Yogi Bear's All-Star Comedy Christmas Caper (Steve Lumley, 1982)
Yogi forgoes his annual winter hibernation to spend Christmas with his friends in the city, where he gets caught up in a conflict between a wealthy businessman and his neglected daughter.
#Hanna-Barbera #ChristmasSpecial #YogiBear #Boo-Boo #AugieDoggie #Snagglepuss #HuckleberryHound #80s
#hanna #christmasspecial #yogibear #boo #augiedoggie #snagglepuss #huckleberryhound #80s
Musk has single-handedly managed to get me saying ‘heavens to murgatroyd’ on a daily basis.
So he does have some use after all.
The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not, ›Eureka! I’ve found it,‹ but, ›That’s funny! Hilarious, even.‹ #GenX #Boomers #Snagglepuss #IsaacAsimov #Boomerang
#genx #boomers #snagglepuss #isaacasimov #boomerang
#DawsButler (1916–1988) was #BornOnThisDay.
You may not know his name, but you know his voice: #YogiBear, #HuckleberryHound, #Snagglepuss, #WallyGator, #QuickDrawMcGraw, #PeterPotamus and more!
#hannabarbera #voiceactors #classiccartoons #classictv #peterpotamus #quickdrawmcgraw #wallygator #snagglepuss #huckleberryhound #YogiBear #bornonthisday #DawsButler