So cute how my snails just stick their faces in the water bowl and lap it up like cats or dogs do #snails #snailposting #pets
I drew my pet snails 🐌 I think I managed to capture their essence and also do a good job with the lettering! #snails #art #TraditionalArt #pencil #snailposting
#snails #art #TraditionalArt #pencil #snailposting
I saw a cool snail in my garden this morning. #snails #photography #macrophotography #snailposting #nature #animals #gastropods
#snails #photography #macrophotography #snailposting #nature #animals #Gastropods
I worked on my new #terrarium a bit. All that is left to do is to wait for the other snail to wake up so I can clean their little hut and transfer it over 🐌🐌 we got a new polka dot plant today so I’m leaving a bit of space for an eventual cutting, plus some more sticks (because cool sticks are beloved by all creatures.) #snailposting
The new terrarium I ordered for my snails has arrived, stay tuned… #snailposting #pets #gardening #terrarium
#snailposting #pets #gardening #terrarium
@WillowTSquirrel @Piratito hey internet stranger, are you aware of these hashtags? #Mushtodon #LichenSubscribe #Mosstodon #SnailPosting #BloomScrolling
#mushtodon #lichensubscribe #Mosstodon #snailposting #bloomscrolling
I have it in mind to use this empty OJ bottle and some other scraps to make a little playground for my snails. I think I’m gonna do a bunch of sketches tomorrow and hopefully be able to make good progress. #crafts #diy #snailposting
I played with both of my snails the other evening, the first time really since Chibi has gotten significantly larger than Niles. As a tiny snail Chibi would get really excited to see big snail Niles (or any other snail!) and zoom over to piggyback on them. Once atop their shell she would reposition to face front and happily look all around as the other snail went about its way. Then dismount as she pleased…. Niles bore this grudgingly as he does hold affection for his snibling (snail sibling), but would sometimes mimic this behavior in obvious annoyance. This time however, Chibi was large enough he could crawl atop her and wiggle his eyestalks in her face tauntingly, then crawl off in a huff in search of more appy slices. Chibi however was just happy to play her favorite game with her sleepyhead snibling (snail sibling.) 🐌🍎 #snails #SnailsOfMastodon #photography #macro #pets #PetsOfMastodon
#snailposting #snails #SnailsOfMastodon #photography #macro #pets #petsofmastodon
It’s been really hot lately, so the little ones have mostly been sleeping in their little mushroom house. (Can’t blame them tbh!!) That being said I did get a chance to play with Chibi for a moment the other evening. The sniblings both seem a bit wary of basil but when I let her sniff my mint plant Chibi was ALL over it. The leaves and stems weren’t quite strong enough to support a growing #snail but I held them up and let her zoom for a bit. She didn’t want to let go lol so I picked the leaf she was on and set her back in the terrarium. #snailposting
I’ve only had these little guys a month and they’ve both grown, but Chibi has really outgrown her name lol! #SnailPosting #SnailsOfMastodon #PetSnails #PetsOfMastodon
#snailposting #SnailsOfMastodon #petsnails #petsofmastodon
Hello everyone, I’m freshly migrated from the main instance! I think this is the perfect place for me to be since I love spending time in my sunny little concrete garden.
My name is Cal and I’m in my late 20’s. I have two pet #snails and several #plants, and I enjoy things like #art #cooking #baking #gardening #hiking #camping and various #crafts. I’m #gay #asexual #poly and #nonbinary (I use he/they pronouns!) I am a #socialist and I am #ChronicallyIll and #Disabled. I have an interest in news, current events, and politics, though I’m perhaps not as active as I might be.
Some other tags I use include: #Anime #Manga #OnePiece #Pokemon #drag #rpdr #BloomScrolling #LichenSubscribe #MagicTheGathering #books #SnailPosting #FoodPorn #photography #macrophotography #comics #MarvelSnap and many others!
I am always open to chatting and I hope to have a great scrolling experience with you all! Nice to meet you :BlobCat_Flower: :BlobCat_Knife: :blobcatpirate:
#snails #plants #art #cooking #baking #gardening #hiking #camping #crafts #gay #asexual #poly #nonbinary #socialist #chronicallyill #disabled #anime #manga #onepiece #pokemon #drag #rpdr #bloomscrolling #lichensubscribe #magicthegathering #books #snailposting #foodPorn #photography #macrophotography #comics #MarvelSnap
Ya'll liked that #Mushroom #stump so here it is again a few days later, with bonus #snail #shell nearby!
🍄🪵 🐌🏙️
#sporespondence #MushroomsOfMastodon #snailposting
#snailposting #MushroomsOfMastodon #sporespondence #shell #snail #stump #mushroom