#Swift #SwiftUI #XCTest #SnapshotTesting
I’m having trouble with Pointfreeco’s snapshot testing. Tests run and complete fine, but there’s a delay at the end of the test process. I can’t figure out where it’s coming from or what causes it. Reduced to a very simple fully reproducible example in my environment.
Anyone have any ideas?
#swift #swiftui #xctest #snapshottesting
#Swift #XCTest #SnapshotTesting #XcodeCloud
Point-Free has an excellent snapshot-testing library that lets you unit test your view snapshots (screenshots). It does not work with Xcode Cloud out of the box, because test runner environment in Xcode Cloud does not have access to the source repository, which snapshot-testing assumes by default.
Here’s my solution for making snapshot-testing work correctly with Xcode Cloud. https://jaanus.com/snapshot-testing-xcode-cloud/
#swift #xctest #snapshottesting #xcodecloud
Insta, https://insta.rs/.
Insta Snapshots, is a snapshot testing tool for Rust.
#rustlang #testing #snapshottesting