Wrote a blog post on how to set up #neovim for development in #snd, the super powerful awesome wave editor: https://roosnaflak.com/tech-and-research/setting-up-snd-with-neovim/
#neovim #snd #linux #audio #auidoengineering
Been writing a bit about additive resynthesis with #snd and #supercollider...
2014 05 11 有吉弘行の”SUNDAY NIGHT DREAMER” (サンデーナイトドリーマー) https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1756851/model/
##snd #2014511 #5月11日 #DREAMER #night #Sunday #SUNDAYNIGHTDREAMER #sundaynightdreamer2014 #サンデー #サンデーナイトドリーマー #サンドリ #ドリーマー #ナイト #ラジオ #宮下美恵 #弘行 #有吉
#snd #5月11日 #dreamer #night #sunday #SUNDAYNIGHTDREAMER #sundaynightdreamer2014 #サンデー #サンデーナイトドリーマー #サンドリ #ドリーマー #ナイト #ラジオ #宮下美恵 #弘行 #有吉
Wavosaur Audio Editor v1.8.0.0 x64 x86 STANDALONE [FREE]
#AIFC #ASIO #AudioDriver #Change #Controller #Cool #Dialog #driver #Editor #effect #exe #filter #free #Host #info #List #loops #Mastering #MIDI #mp3 #music #Mute #player #Presets #Recording #Simple #SND #Solo #SoundDesign #Standalone #Time #Update #VST #VUMeter #wav #Windows #x64 #x86
#aifc #asio #audiodriver #change #controller #cool #dialog #driver #editor #effect #exe #Filter #free #host #info #list #loops #mastering #midi #mp3 #music #mute #player #presets #recording #simple #snd #solo #sounddesign #standalone #time #update #vst #vumeter #wav #windows #x64 #x86
Simple Sampler Sampler Plugin by Witech
Simple Sampler is a sample based VST instument. It has room for 12 samples and each sample has it's own output channel. Samples in the same directory can be choosed quickly by press the up and
#AIFC #aiff #AU #CAF #flac #free #freedownload #HTK #IFF #MAT4 #MAT5 #ogg #PAF #PVF #RAW #sampler #Samples #SD2 #SF #Simple #SND #SVX #VOC #VST #W64 #wav #Witech #XI
#aifc #aiff #au #caf #flac #free #freedownload #htk #iff #mat4 #mat5 #ogg #paf #pvf #raw #sampler #samples #sd2 #sf #simple #snd #svx #voc #vst #w64 #wav #witech #xi
【衝撃】リプニツカヤの現在がエロいww https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1666890/global-beauties/
##snd ##毒舌 #DREAMER #JFN #night #Sunday #SUNDAYNIGHTDREAMER2016 #アリゾンのレビュー #エロ #サンデー #サンドリ #すっきりしないニュース #ナイトドリーマー #なんだこれ、おい! #ユリア・リプニツカヤ #リプニツカヤ #司会 #女子 #弘行 #替え歌 #有吉 #池田の発言
#snd #毒舌 #dreamer #jfn #night #sunday #sundaynightdreamer2016 #アリゾンのレビュー #エロ #サンデー #サンドリ #すっきりしないニュース #ナイトドリーマー #なんだこれ #ユリア・リプニツカヤ #リプニツカヤ #司会 #女子 #弘行 #替え歌 #有吉 #池田の発言
有吉弘行のSUNDAY NIGHT DREAMER 2023 02 05 https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1631996/celebrity/
##snd #Celebrities #Celebrity #DREAMER #night #SUNDAYNIGHTDREAMER #Vlog #サンドリ #有吉ラジオ #有吉弘行 #有吉弘行のSUNDAY
#有吉弘行 #snd #celebrity #dreamer #night #サンドリ #celebrities #SUNDAYNIGHTDREAMER #有吉ラジオ #有吉弘行のSUNDAY #vlog
SND - great experimental techno, packaging that acts as practical joke on nearsighted listeners 🔍
#snd #vinyl #techno #glitch #nowplaying
有吉弘行のSUNDAY NIGHT DREAMER 2023 01 29 https://www.magmoe.com/532945/celebrity/2023-01-30/
#有吉弘行 #有吉ラジオ #サンドリ #sundaynightdreamer #snd
@cwebber Knock, knock? Am I too late for this thread? Hope not.
First time I fired up #Emacs was sometime in 2003. It's rarely been away from my screen since then. Since that was also my introduction to #Lisp in general, I've been scratching my head and wondering what is it that people don't like about parenthesis ever since. My introduction to #Guile was rather weirder: back in the day (pre-2010), the "Emacs of sound editors", #Snd, used Guile as a scripting/programming language (often, from a REPL inside Emacs). But I didn't delve too deep into it. It was a few years later, thanks to reading (and pretending to understand) @wingo's blog entries on the progress of Guile that I got hooked back in. So here we are, near the end 2022, and I'm still reading and writing this in Emacs, and running the #Guix package installer as a hybrid system.
I hope we all have many more years of happy hacking ahead of us!
#guix #snd #guile #lisp #emacs
My dad (a non-physicist) said this on my recent article, Catching #Neutrinos at the LHC: https://www.symmetrymagazine.org/article/catching-neutrinos-at-the-lhc ☺️
They say writing is a lonely profession, but #sciencewriting takes a village of people to not only ensure the highest level of technical accuracy but also represent the collaborations behind doing research.
#neutrinos #sciencewriting #faser #snd
My dad (a non-physicist) said this on my recent article, Catching #Neutrinos at the LHC. ☺️
They say writing is a lonely profession, but #sciencewriting takes a village of people to not only ensure the highest level of technical accuracy but also represent the collaborations behind doing research.
#FASER #SND @ATLASexperiment @CMSexperiment
#neutrinos #sciencewriting #faser #snd
@melaniesill @craignewmark @dankennedy_nu @mattcarroll @jeffjarvis @jeff @dangillmor @jayrosen_nyu Speaking of #VisualJournalism, There is also a cohort of #InfoGraphic journalists and #SND #NewsDesigner editorial types that are just as vital.
Sorry to be a pest. I launched #VisualEditors in 2004 to serve that community.
#visualjournalism #infographic #snd #visualeditors #newsdesigner
👨🎤 🎧 🎼 🎹 🥁 🎷 🎺 🎸 🎻 🎚 🎛 🎵 🎶
🇫🇷 Participation à l'empaquetage #Debian des paquets #snd. Vous pouvez soutenir ce travail sur mon compte #LiberaPay.
🇬🇧 Participating in the #Debian packaging of #snd packages. You can support this work on my LiberaPay account.
#LinuxMAO #LinuxAudio #LibreMusicProduction #MusicProduction
#debian #snd #liberapay #linuxmao #linuxaudio #libremusicproduction #musicproduction
Costo, pero lo logré ya transmito en multiplataformas, solo me falta un #icecast y ya sería completo
con un consumo mínimo comparado a #OBS
#ffmpeg #v4l2loopback #snd-aloop
#snd #v4l2loopback #ffmpeg #obs #icecast
The current #audacity debacle might be what finally pushes me to learn #snd properly. First have to find a way for #nvim to speak to snd, though… shouldn’t be too hard: snd listens to stdin, it seems. A job for nvim jobs, in other words. And lisp is easy to parse. Parentheses parentheses parentheses!
On my to-do list: learn #snd https://ccrma.stanford.edu/software/snd/snd/snd.html
Not so easy, considering it's a powerful (read complicated) beast and I don't use wave editors very often. But I definitely see use cases in my future...