I started playing Sniper Elite 5, as I got it free on PS5. I don't normally go for these kind of games but hey, I have the board game version of this so I figured why not.
First level, minding my own business, having fun sneaky sneaks and pew pew'ing some Nazi's.
I must have skipped over the part where they explain how the Online Invasion mode works... Next thing I know some random has joined what I thought was a single player experience and is now hunting me.
RT @ScottKAndrews@twitter.com
It's take a *stupidly* long time, but I've finally got my website up and running again. Kicking off this umpteenth version of the site, I let you in on the true story that inspired my latest novella, #SniperElite Water Line
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ScottKAndrews/status/1627068751895220224
Sain joululahjaksi Sniper Elite IV -videopelin. Nyt jännittää. Avaan pelin muoveista ja sujautan pleikkariin. Saas nähdä mitä tästäkin tulee.
#PS4 #SniperElite
Great to see Edouard's talent recognised. I've worked with a bunch of brilliant concept artists over the years but he's one of the fastest and best - the man is a machine! All whilst simultaneously being a lovely and insanely-humble chap. The bastard.
#gamedev #conceptart #SniperElite5 #sniperelite
A large box was waiting for me when I got back from the Rebellion Christmas party last night. I am now the proud(?) owner of this rather cunning Christmas jumper.
#gamedev #christmasjumper #sniperelite
WAIT - why didn't you tell me they'd brought a new #SniperElite #game out? I coulda been shooting surprised #nazis in the nuts while crouching in a distant haystack for the last few months. (Which is my favourite hobby.)
I've been racking my brain to do my #Gaming spin on the #Introduction where you list 5 #VideoGames. I think mine would be:
I've had to go with franchises, and it's really hard as I could only get one #RetroGaming title in there and there are so many more which deserve love.
#gaming #introduction #videogames #elitedangerous #sniperelite #xcom #jurassicworldevolution #tenchu #retrogaming
Уявіть якби в #Hitman або #SniperElite вийшло DLC в якому можна було б нейтралізувати Путіна.
І якби розробники обіцяли що хоч 50% грошей з продажів підуть на допомогу Україні.
Розробники отримують піар, заробляють трошечки і роблять круту справу
Було б круто
Das Spiel Sniper Elite 4 (2017) vollständig durchgespielt (Deutsch, ohne Kommentare).
Jetzt anschauen (Playlist):
#youtube #letsplay #nocommentry #games #gaming #SniperElite #SniperElite4 #Rebellion
#rebellion #sniperelite4 #sniperelite #Gaming #Games #nocommentry #letsplay #YouTube
Das Spiel Sniper Elite 3 (2014) vollständig durchgespielt (Deutsch, ohne Kommentare) (2016).
Jetzt anschauen (Playlist):
#youtube #letsplay #nocommentry #games #gaming #sniperelite #se3
#se3 #sniperelite #Gaming #Games #nocommentry #letsplay #YouTube