Está confirmada la tendencia (no sé como llamarlo) de llenar huecos / carencias o coleccionar de los jugadores viendo los logros en #Steam. Muchos (me incluyo) compramos por comprar a veces. O jugamos poco o ni eso. En el #SniperElite4, por ejemplo, el logro de terminar la tercera misión solo lo tiene el 51,6% de los jugadores. Curioso, jeje.
Llevo diecisiete horas al #SniperElite4 por la cuarta misión. Casi haciendo todas objetivos opcionales / secundarios en cada misión (sin hacer nada de los DLC). A mi este tipo de juego me gusta mucho y no se me hace repetitivo. Confirmo que, en dificultad normal, la IA tiene comportamos muy subnormales que permiten a un manco como yo superar los retos (que con esta IA no son retos). A mi no me importa mucho y me eché unas buenas risas. Lo estoy gozando.
¡Qué viciada al #SniperElite4! He acabado la primera misión: totalmente de tranqui y disfrutando. Encima trae todos los DLC y tiene mucho contenido para disfrutar. Tela horas voy a echar. :thinkergunsunglasses:
Me he pillado el #SniperElite4 en oferta. Ya he jugado dos horitas. Ir de tranqui por Italia matando nazis me mola tela. Y, bueno, disfrutando de la "kill cam". Tema sigilo me gusta mucho.
🎬 🔴
I have so many short captures from Stadia left so I thought I'm gonna share them. #Funny game Glitch in #sniperelite4
#shorts #CloudGaming I played it on #Stadia.
► Über diesen Kanal
#funny #sniperelite4 #shorts #cloudgaming #stadia
Arrivage 🤩🤩🤩 lot de jeux #PS4 #ghostrecon #TomClancys #sniperelite4 #StarWars #StarWarsJediFallenOrder
#ps4 #ghostrecon #tomclancys #sniperelite4 #starwars #starwarsjedifallenorder
Today's #sniperelite4 fuckery: removing a dead body in between reloading saves. A dead body on whose loot I very much depended.
ONCE AGAIN wasted around four hours on #sniperelite4 because apparently an officer dying by running through a tripwire mine isn't enough to qualify as a tripwire mine officer kill, and I only noticed 30 minutes later that the game had quietly failed the achievement and not notified me. And of course I didn't have any saves from before.
If a game says "kill fewer than 10 enemies" but its killcounter says "_/10", how many enemies would you think you're allowed to kill?
If a game says "kill fewer than 10 enemies" but its killcounter says "_/10", how many enemies would you think you're allowed to kill?
One thing I just noticed about #sniperelite4 that I really like is that when you complete the campaign on hardcore difficulty, you get the achievement for that, and the achievements for completing it on easy and normal right away, too.
Done my Nintendo #Replay, so thought it'd make sense to go through my #Steam one, especially with the Steam Deck this year.
Kinda of interesting. Played a bunch of #SniperElite4 with my brother (not on this), started #OSRS, second playthrough of #EldenRing, bit of #Forza, bit of #VampireSurvivors. Tried #StarOcean The Last Hope 4K since it ProtonDB said it work fine, and it was a nice #RPG to play handheld, must say.
Dunno why it think I played #Linux off of the #SteamDeck, I didn't.
#replay #steam #sniperelite4 #OSRS #eldenring #forza #VampireSurvivors #starocean #rpg #linux #SteamDeck #gaming
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