GummyNerds · @CoffeeFingers
1508 followers · 8576 posts · Server

What's old is young again.

#snipped #dudes #looking #like #lesbians

Last updated 2 years ago

Kenton Riley · @clueax
15 followers · 1 posts · Server

I've been silently following & observing for a couple weeks, so it appears I'm overdue for an post.

Professionally, I've been for about 16 years. I've evolved into more of a policy & guidance roll over the years, but I'm also still the lead. I'll try to share what I can when I can.

The first was my first infosec conference I attended. The second through final, I was a volunteer. I've also volunteered for every year except their 2nd.

I'm a , 4x college who had no career direction and eventually got an AAS degree in network administration in my 30s. I was working for an employer who had no IT security at the time, so I raised my hand and started my infosec career. I collect IT certs like kids collect pokemon but never submit CPEs - I just move on to another cert. I've had 7 certs at this point (8th pending), but only 2 are currently active. Also have expired , , and... lots of lesser stuff.

Apparently, I make a pretty damn good . Also a serviceable home bartender.

I've completed 7-ish(?) and a handful of half...but weight gain and age have kept me from adding any in the last 4 years. Also have a decent bike that I ride on a stand more than I do outdoors.

Most Wednesday evenings you can catch me at for the Louisville Society weekly "Drink and Draw." I don't draw, but I have a few friends who do and I enjoy practicing the drinking part.

Married, no kids. Both me and my pups (3 of them) are .

My politics trend very and I try to back that up with actions and financial support.

#introduction #blueteam #infosec #incidentresponse #derbycon #CircleCityCon #usnavy #veteran #dropout #giac #PMP #cissp #cheesecake #mixology #marathon #zanzabar #cartoonist #snipped #liberal

Last updated 2 years ago