The initial encounter had the players battle it out with the owners:
Janet: Do you sell books?
David: Books? No books. Here, buy e-reader. Summit, good brand, only $200. Pay my wife.
Janet: $200 for an e-reader? I dunno, I've never heard of that brand.
David: Summit is good brand. Sony guts. Here, here, you pay my wife.
Janet: No, I'll pass, that's a lot for an e-reader.
David: Get out! Go buy $25 e-reader from all-consonants Chinese not Sony guts brand!
📺 #SNL just dropped a compilation from their archive
LATE SUMMER SKETCHES: "Patio Party" "The Summer of Diane" "Weekend Update: Willie on Summer" et funny cetera.
▶️ Compilation plays within this post.
✂️ 15:05
#saturdaynightlive #comedy #eddieclips #snl
No worries.
#JimmyFallon is the subject of a Rolling Stone article at the moment - hence why someone posted the #TinyFey quote.
Via Erin Overbey @erinoverbey
#TinaFey had #JimmyFallon dead to rights more than a decade ago in her memoir Bossypants. Will never forget this account about his exchange w/ #AmyPoehler in an SNL writers’ room…
#snl #tinafey #jimmyfallon #amypoehler
#lostraccione di #carlreiner #TheSaturdayNightLive – che molti chiamano solo #SNL – è ormai da quasi cinquant’anni la fucina delle nuove generazioni di comici, autori e registi della #commedia #madeinUSA e non solo. Da lì sono partiti artisti che hanno conquistato il pubblico di tutto il mondo come #JohnBelushi o #RobinWilliams solo per citarne due. Sotto i riflettori degli studi dove si registrava lo show si sono... http://www.valeriotagliaferri.it/?m=202208 #UnoFilm #UnoCinema #film #cinema #stevemartin
#lostraccione #carlreiner #thesaturdaynightlive #snl #commedia #MadeInUSA #johnbelushi #RobinWilliams #unofilm #unocinema #film #cinema #stevemartin
If #KanyeWest is ever invited to host #SNL again, expect a #Venice gondola sketch! 😂
#NimeshPatel: Vee-vec #Ramaswamy’s first “truth” is god is real. Then why’d he make you 5’7”? You can’t be president at 5’7”…
I want him to win because I want #SNL https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT82Rqxbh/
I was watching an old #SNL on the #InternetArchive about the Rock announcing he was running for president with Tom Hanks as his Vice president from 2017.
Because #WillFerrell is Gus Chiggins, old gold prospector 😃 ->
Cut For Time: Gus Chiggins, Old Prospector - #SNL
The latest #Factually! episode with @adamconover's interview with Maureen Ryan about the toxic underbelly of #Hollywood is intense but fascinating. (The dirt on #SNL alone. . . ) And it's particularly timely in the middle of a double union strike.
‘#HasanMinaj would play a good Vivek [#Ramaswamy] on #SNL’ https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/15zl04a/comment/jxiacxa/
Closing Time | Fist Fight in the Parking Lot https://sargasso.nl/closing-time-fist-fight-in-the-parking-lot/ #saturdaynightlive #DaveGrohl #Algemeen #snl
#saturdaynightlive #davegrohl #algemeen #snl
#Emmy Predictions 2023 - Who Will and Should Win for Guest Actress in a Comedy Series?
http://www.tv-recaps-reviews.com/2023/08/emmy-predictions-guest-comedy-actress.html #Emmys #Emmys2023 #AbbottElementary #PokerFace #SNL #TedLasso
#tedlasso #snl #pokerface #abbottelementary #emmys2023 #emmys #emmy
#Emmy Predictions 2023 - Who Will and Should Win for Guest Actor in a Comedy Series?
http://www.tv-recaps-reviews.com/2023/08/emmy-predictions-guest-comedy-actor.html #Emmys #Emmys2023 #TheBearFX #MrsMaisel #OMITB #SNL #TedLasso
#tedlasso #snl #OMITB #mrsmaisel #TheBearFX #emmys2023 #emmys #emmy
Today is Sam Francisco’s first hot day of the year.
Major #SNL vibes today, #FirstHotDay
#snl #firsthotday #sf #sfbay #sanfrancisco
Too funny: Don't go around stereotyping heavenly hosts.
An unaired #SNL sketch w/ Christopher Walken.
Apparently, 1980s #SNL #WeekendUpdate clip of Victoria Jackson hyper-pronouncing “Nicaragua” is not online?
"Ladies and gentlemen, Frank Ocean"--- #SNL