“Punk Rock Girl” (cover by SNMNMNM in 2001; originally by the Dead Milkmen in 1988)
https://youtu.be/RE-5ezgHnSk (audio only)
Tribute cover albums are usually a mixed bag with more disasters than golden nuggets. 2001’s “Flogging a Dead Cow: A Tribute to the Dead Milkmen” is no exception. The good news is that the golden nuggets are seriously golden and make wading through the rest of this compilation well worth the time.
SNMNMNM is/was an acquired taste from their very beginning. Their love of substituting accordion and tuba for more traditional rock’n’roll instrumentation and their sincere nerd-nasal vocalizations aren’t for everyone, but in some ways epitomize the very definition of “punk rock.”
This cover of the Dead Milkmen’s biggest hit was certainly a risk - but one which pays off several times over. Like many great covers, SNMNMNM retains the best elements of the original while stretching it almost to the breaking point with their own inflections and interpretations.
I won’t try to describe it more fully - this is one you kinda gotta experience on your own.
#uncovered #songcovers #deadmilkmen #snmnmnm