The Snom Ventures are back!
#mastoArt #art #revueStarlight #mayaKuro #pokemon #snom #snomVenture #comic
#comic #snomVenture #snom #pokemon #MayaKuro #revuestarlight #art #MastoArt
"Wonder what's inside? It needs more time, though."
Ah, this was fun to draw. And I really like that color scheme. It is so...soft and warm. (Colors are still such a mystery to me. So much to learn.)
Finished the second chapter of Snom Ventures story.
#MastoArt #art #revueStarlight #MayaKuro #pokemon #arcanine #egg #writing #snomVenture #cozy
#cozy #snomVenture #writing #egg #arcanine #pokemon #MayaKuro #revuestarlight #art #MastoArt
For snoms the same rules apply as for cats. If one sits on you, you're not allowed to move anymore.
I really gotten attached to the snom au, so I started writing it into a fic.
#mastoArt #art #writing #fiction #revueStarlight #mayaKuro #pokemon #snom #snomVenture #fluff
#fluff #snomVenture #snom #pokemon #MayaKuro #revuestarlight #fiction #writing #art #MastoArt
Would any of y'all be able to resist the cute snom? I mean, look at it.
I spent like...forever on the background. Luckily I discovered the perspective tool, which is reallly helpful.
#mastoArt #art #comic #pokemon #snom #snomVenture #revueStarlight #mayaKuro
#MayaKuro #revuestarlight #snomVenture #snom #pokemon #comic #art #MastoArt
No pokemon centers are not a thing. Also don’t ask why snom would even need a cone.
(I really wish I could edit old posts here, so I could link the comics together....sigh)
#mastoArt #art #comic #pokemon #snom #revueStarlight #mayaKuro #cone #snomVenture
#snomVenture #cone #MayaKuro #revuestarlight #snom #pokemon #comic #art #MastoArt