Wanna know what LEO is doing nearby? Me too.
#snarkhome #bigear uses #ble heavily. I think I am going to build some more interesting listeners this winter. (I'm disenchanted with pure #homeassistant + #esphome as a framework. Maybe raw mqtt..)
I am also having more and more trouble saying "I don't need a ham license" with a straight face.
#snarkhome #bigear #ble #homeassistant #esphome #defcon31 #snoopuntothem
#snarkhome #bigear uses #ble heavily. I think I need to build some more interesting listeners this winter...
Damn. I am having more and more trouble saying "I don't need a ham license" with a straight face.
#snarkhome #bigear #ble #defcon31 #snoopuntothem