Me parece que cada vez nos acercamos más al futuro distópico de “gobierno por franquicias” de #SnowCrash. Ahora una corporación tendrá su propia ciudad. La evolución del #CorpTown
No sé cómo sentirme al respecto. 🫤
#snowcrash #corptown #futurology #dystopian #nealstephenson
Reading a bit of #SnowCrash again to reestablish my head space for writing some #CyberPunkRed! Then it’s SHOW TIME!
#Introduction post for new instance!
Reformed Slacker
Progressive Pragmatist
Trade Unionist
Shitty Novelist
Musical Polyamorist
Fan of all the worst teams
Crime Aficionado
Expat from the Fascist State of Ohio (explains above)
#CWA #NewsGuild #WFP
#ProgRock #Psychedelic
#Browns #CBJ #COYS #Crew
#Rebus #Bosch #HarryHole
#SnowCrash #Neuromancer
#introduction #cwa #newsguild #wfp #progrock #psychedelic #browns #cbj #coys #crew #rebus #bosch #harryhole #snowcrash #neuromancer
Just watching #JohnOlivier on #homeownersassociation organisations in the US and #HOLYSHIT.
Without really looking into it independently (but trusting Oliver quite a bit), HOAs sound terrifying.
In #Australia, apartment buildings (like where I live) have "body corporates" ("strata") that manage the common interests of owners, and often they delegate maintenance jobs to external organisations... BUT they can't just unilaterally impose fines or AUCTION OFF YOUR ENTIRE PROPERTY. And they don't exist at all (that I've heard of) for individual, detached houses.
Somehow Neal Stephenson's #SnowCrash now makes a lot more sense to me.
#JohnOlivier #homeownersassociation #holyshit #australia #snowcrash
Thinking about the #visionpro, it occurred to me to look back at #SnowCrash, the novel where Neal Stephenson created what we now all think of as the #metaverse. Stephenson’s term for the character who wears a VisonPro-like device is “gargoyle”. His description of them is brutal including this: ““marking the user as belonging to a class that is at once above and far below human society.”
Mark me curious, but extremely cautious.
#visionpro #snowcrash #metaverse
Ng: America is wonderful because you can get anything on a drive-through basis:
✔Oil change
✔Car wash
Anything you want―drive thru! So this vehicle is much better than a pathetic wheelchair. It's an extension of my body.
YT: What's the plan? Do we have a plan?
Ng: We go to Port of Long Beach, to the Terminal Island Sacrifice Zone. And we buy some drugs. Or you do, actually.
YT: That's my job? Buy drugs?
Ng: Buy them & throw them up in the air.
So Hiro is not actually here at all. He's in a computer generated universe that his computer is drawing onto his goggles/earphones. In the lingo, this imaginary place is known as the #Metaverse.
Hiro spends a lot of time in the Metaverse.
It beats the shit out of the U-Stor-It.
About the 2nd/3rd thing they learned when studying to be Kouriers was to shiv open a pair of handcuffs... The longtime status of skateboarders as an oppressed ethnic group means all of them are escape artists of some degree.
YT [detained]: Hi, Mom. Fine, how are you?…I'm at Tracy's house…Yeah, we went 2 the Metaverse…We were just fooling around 2 this arcade on the Street. Pretty bumpin…Yes, I used a nice avatar…Nah, Tracy's mom is giving me a ride home later…I will…I love you, too.
LIBRARIAN: For many centuries, this was interpreted to mean that its top was so high that it was in the heavens. But in the last century or so, as actual Babylonian ziggurats have been excavated, astrological diagrams―pictures of the heavens―have been found inscribed into their tops.
Apparently Juanita made a major addition to his [meta] house as well.
A man walks into the office:
The Librarian daemon. Even tho he's just a piece of software, he has reason to be cheerful.
He can move through the nearly infinite stacks of information in the Library w/the agility of a spider dancing across a vast web of cross-refs. The Librarian is the only piece of CIC software that costs even more than Earth; the only thing he can't do is think.
In 2020 I was looking for the Street View of a restaurant, and found this adumbration of a Google Maps R-series 360 rig, so of course I had to do this thread:
Something new in Hiro's office: A globe the size of a grapefruit, perfectly detailed rendition of planet Earth. He'd been thinking that in a few years he'll make enough $ to subscribe to Earth. Now it's here, free. The only explanation is that Juanita gave it to him. #SnowCrash
All these beefy Caucasians w/guns! Get enough of them together, looking for the🇺🇸they always believed they'd grow up in, & they glom together like overcooked rice… W/their power tools, portable generators, weapons & 4WDs they're like beavers hyped on meth…chewing thru the wilderness, building things & abandoning them, altering the flow of mighty rivers & then moving on because the place ain't what it used to be. #SnowCrash
[Hiro seeks the president of the Temporary Republic of Kenai & Kodiak]
When the doggie door emits another burst of light, YT thinks she saw something, a long round shadow cross-sectioned in the light for a blurry instant & a train of sparks dancing across the lawngrid during this 00:01 event. #SnowCrash
Photo: Michael Hueser
It's sad that three Jeopardy! contestants didn't seem to know Neal Stephenson.
It's funny that two gave snow related answers
It's painful that even the *librarian* didn't get it.
#Jeopardy #NealStephenson #SnowCrash
#jeopardy #nealstephenson #snowcrash
Fido curls his long legs beneath him & jumps the fence before remembering he isn't capable of jumping over it.
This contradiction is lost on him, though; as a dog, introspection is not one of his strong points. #SnowCrash #NamShubOfFido
Hiro sees a nameplate tacked onto the gun's control panel.
version 1.0B7
Gatling-type 3mm hypervelocity railgun system
Ng Security Industries, Inc.
As Fisheye waves Reason back & forth, hosing the target w/a hypersonic shower of depleted uranium, Bruce Lee's entire ship seems to sparkle & glitter, as though Tinkerbell was flying back & forth from stem to stern, sprinkling nuclear fairy dust.
[75 yrs later]
Bruce Lee's pirate band line up along the trawler's railing, grinning & whistling.
FISHEYE: Don't worry, I'm not going to let em fuck you.
ELIOT: What you gonna do?
F: I'm sure they'll listen to #Reason.
Hiro's feet go out from under him…He looks up at Bruce Lee's ship & flinches as he sees what looks like a dark wave washing over the pirates. He hears a new sound: a low whirring from the direction of Fisheye.
Soon it's time to narrate The Sprawl by Hamish Cameron. I've already ordered my pizza from Hiro Protagonist and soon we'll be walking through the neon-lined streets of Lagos 2061.
#cyberpunk #thesprawl #pbta #snowcrash
Neal Stephenson Says AI-Generated ChatGPT Is ‘Simply Not Interesting’ - Author of science-fiction novel “Snow Crash” says the algorithm-based tool falls short of... - #nealstephenson #technology #coindesktv #snowcrash #sotheby’s #chatgpt #news #ai
#ai #news #chatgpt #sotheby #snowcrash #coindesktv #technology #NealStephenson