Per chi non conosce Edward #Snowden 🙏
10 anni fa scoppiava il caso Snowden denunciando la sorveglianza di massa nel 2013, il whistleblower americano ha cambiato profondamente il modo in cui guardiamo a internet.
Un decennio dopo, viviamo ancora nelle conseguenze di quelle rivelazioni.
Su peertube trovate il Film denuncia Snowden di Oliver Stone:
oltre al documentario Citizen Four nel canale sicurezza:
:peertube: @sicurezza
Dieci anni fa Edward Snowden ha rivelato al mondo le operazioni segrete di sorveglianza dell'NSA, scatenando un dibattito globale sulla sicurezza e la privacy. Cosa è realmente cambiato nella società? E quanto siamo davvero liberi nell'era della connettività?
#snowden #privacy #SorveglianzaDiMassa the 10th anniversary of the #Snowden revelations
To mark the 10-year anniv of the start of the Snowden revelations I will look back at some of the most notable disclosures & how they developed, based upon the most recent books & the numerous blog posts I have written here. Still, it should be noted that this overview is not a complete coverage of this wide-ranging topic.
#privacy #surveillance #nsa
#nsa #surveillance #privacy #snowden
Falls es vergessen wurde, was wir Bürger aber NIE vergessen dürfen !
Deshalb hier noch einmal die 10jährige Erinnerung an
Hinter diesem Link stehen noch 3 weitere ausgezeichnete Beiträge, u.a. vom nicht ersetzbaren Hans-Christian #Strobele
- Seen in Münich (nice place)
- Gesehen in München (netter Ort)
- Visti a Monaco di Baviera (bel posto)
#assange #freeassange #snowden
Remember: if US "military intelligence" (lol) is surveilling you on the internet, the IP address they use will be in the same subnet as yours, but not within your control, and you won't be able to ping it..
I'm not looking for professional respect, we've been through that, I just want them to fuck off.
If they stick around, I'll start posting my favorite Jake Applebaum videos, because I know people like Charlie Miller love them.
Applebaum recently published the #snowden docs in his PhD thesis!
He also uses the classic comparison of our society with the concept of the #panopticon and the experiments of B. F. Skinner.
For example, Glenn Greenwald (one of the journalists who helped Edward #Snowden disclose the documents he had collected when working for the CIA, author of No Place To Hide), in his TED talk "Why #privacymatters", uses these arguments among others. I recommend it too:
#talk #privacy
#panopticon #snowden #privacymatters #talk #privacy Edward Snowden CRIES "I'm Exposing The Whole Thing" #snowden #exposed #nwo #journalism #hero
#snowden #exposed #nwo #journalism #HERO
Había dejado en pausa la lectura del libro de #Snowden y vaya acelerón pega de mitad para adelante. Los últimos capítulos me han tenido muy enganchado a cómo organizó la revelación de información secreta y cómo fue ocurriendo todo. Muy recomendable.
#Billionaire PIERRE OMYIDAR founded the publication "Civil Beat" near an NSA installation in #Hawaii before #Snowden arrived there.
In 2020, he reported on how #Hawaii addressed the problem of homelessness during #COVID
#billionaire #snowden #hawaii #COVID
2/2 🧵 @dromografos_gr @antones_mp
Ο Omyidar θα φιλτράρει τελικά τα έγγραφα πριν προβληθούν δημόσια. Λιγότερο από το 0,1% κυκλοφόρησε πριν κλείσει το αρχείο #snowden. /EOF
RFC 9446: Reflections on Ten Years Past the Snowden Revelations
@VPS_Reports Let's not obscure the truth about the NSA enclave and sprawling military facilities of Hawaii with fantasy stories.
Ask about the NSA tunnels, and how Pierre Omyidar established a news outlet that was given privileged access before #Snowden arrived on the island for his #CIA contract. @chargrille
@scholar_farmer @tehstu @pluralistic
I had such a bad experience with Verizon in the past, I packed up all their crap and shipped it all back, carefully within all the rules and the time limit. They still tried to bill me for a month and the equipment. I had to shout down their computer to get a LIVE AGENT or I would have been screwed.
That is WHY they have machines handle the phone.
I did find another way to get internet, and it wasn't bad. Verizon is mostly bad. #Snowden
#10yrsago US Senate IP address linked to #Snowden #Wikipedia change from “dissident” to “traitor”
#10yrsago #JeffBezos’s letter to the #WashPo staff
#10yrsago Why writers should stand up for libraries
#10yrsago Ethical questions for security experts
#10yrsago #EBWhite on why he wrote #CharlottesWeb: “A book is a sneeze”
#10yrsago #snowden #wikipedia #jeffbezos #washpo #EBWhite #charlottesweb
#Nawalny #Assange #Snowden
Viele der Bundestagsabgeordneten, die während der NSA-Enthüllungen noch für Snowden Stellung bezogen und teilweise ausdrücklich #Asyl gefordert hatten, sind mit dem Antritt der Ampel-Regierung verstummt.🙈 🙉 🙊
#nawalny #assange #snowden #asyl
#Nawalny #Assange #Snowden
Viele der Bundestagsabgeordneten, die während der NSA-Enthüllungen noch für Snowden Stellung bezogen und teilweise ausdrücklich #Asyl gefordert hatten, sind mit dem Antritt der Ampel-Regierung verstummt.🙈 🙉 🙊
#nawalny #assange #snowden #asyl
@padeluun @enno
Tja, was hat sich in Sachen #Datenschutz seit den #Snowden Veröffentlichungen verbessert?
Es wurde einfach alles was damals ans Tageslicht kam im Nachhinein in Gesetze gegossen und legalisiert. 🤷
#datenschutz #snowden #uberwachung