WACOCA · @wacoca
5 followers · 811 posts · Server mastodon.world

日光 最新版【やっちゃダメ!間違いだらけの氷瀑ツアー】大人気の庵滝 初心者がやりがちな5つの間違いをプロガイドと徹底攻略! wacoca.com/tour/79641/

#snowhiking #snowshoeing #スノーシュー #スノートレッキング #八幡平温泉郷ツアー #庵滝 #氷瀑

Last updated 2 years ago

Alo Japan · @alojapan
4 followers · 313 posts · Server masto.ai

【Walk in Snow】Alps? Whisler? North Europe? No, it's easy access to climb alojapan.com/699250/%e3%80%90w

Japan has many snowiest places. Karuizawa in Nagano located 1 hour from Tokyo where is a famous resort. There’s a hill shaped a table named Hanareyama. 3km from a station and easy to hike in winter.

#japan #journey #mountain #nagano #naganodestinations #naganotour #naganotravel #naganotrip #naganovacation #snowhiking #treck #trip #長野

Last updated 2 years ago