#ecoevo folks. My involvement in evolutionary ecology has been very theoretical, with one exception when helped field work on the St Kilda Soay Sheep project. Field work has one great advantage: much better views. Here is Village Bay, Hirta, St Kilda, Outer Hebrides, Scotland. While the picture was taken decades ago, the archipelago remains the same and the project continues. #StKilda #SoaySheepProject #OuterHebrides 🏴
#ecoevo #stkilda #soaysheepproject #outerhebrides
#ecoevo folks #introductions #introduction. I am a former #evolutionary #ecologist. DPhil #UYorkUK #evolutionarydynamics (#adaptivedynamics) #populationdynamics #gametheory #dynamicalsystems #evolutionarystablestrategies #ESS. Postdoc #ULeiden continued this. Postdoc #UCambridge #lifehistoryevolution #soaysheepproject #modelling #reproductivestrategies #dynamicprogramming #fielddata
Where did this lead to? Recruitment into business for #bioinspiredcomputing
#ecoevo #introductions #introduction #Evolutionary #ecologist #uyorkuk #evolutionarydynamics #AdaptiveDynamics #populationdynamics #gametheory #dynamicalsystems #evolutionarystablestrategies #ess #uleiden #ucambridge #lifehistoryevolution #soaysheepproject #modelling #reproductivestrategies #dynamicprogramming #fielddata #bioinspiredcomputing