Lydia Conwell :mastodon: · @lydiaconwell
735 followers · 6962 posts · Server

There are two types of :



#myspace #Fediverse #socailmedia

Last updated 1 year ago

RS, Author, Novelist · @sfwrtr
230 followers · 1031 posts · Server

3.25 — If your MC was on social media, what would be her favorite platform and why?

Definitely a cell phone. She'd love that because she could instantly communicate with everyone on her team and check up on all those she protects†. She would buy one for everyone who didn't have one. Anyone who turned theirs off or let the battery would hear about it.

Yep. That's not social media.

Social media would make no sense to her. Newspapers are more her speed, and that's read-only. She's only really starting to understand what (not who) she is. The title she was raised to bear included the phrase, "With the right to command one of the Directorate's armies." She ran away from life, to be left alone, to read her books in peace, to learn "magic." That doesn't mean she doesn't have the commander mind set, mind you. She's rather oblivious as far as that goes.

†She actually she has magic for this that's good for a few blocks radius.

#writingwonders #fiction #fantasy #sf #sff #sciencefiction #writing #writer #writers #author #writingcommunity #earl #socailmedia #boostingissharing

Last updated 2 years ago

SPENCER · @spencer435
0 followers · 10 posts · Server
BazK_GoW3 · @bazkelly
1 followers · 3 posts · Server

This could be a fresh start, getting a little annoyed with the other 😎


Last updated 2 years ago