Absolutely wonderful day at #socallinuxexpo. Main takeaways:
-The Linux community rules.
-There is an overwhelming number of things to learn, in a good way.
-nixOS is indeed the best model going forward.
Thanks to everyone for attending my Minimum Viable Kubernetes talk at SCaLE! My slides are up at https://coderanger.net/talks/mini-k8s/ and I'll post the video there as well once it's available next week.
I think Kubernetes is a great choice for small teams and I'm always happy to answers questions about it.
#kcdla #kcd #scale #SCALE20x #socallinuxexpo
CFP for @socallinuxexpo closes *today*! Submit those talks and come hang out with us in SoCal! #socallinuxexpo
CFP for @socallinuxexpo closes *today*! Submit those talks and come hang out with us in SoCal! #socallinuxexpo
got a few #SCaLE20x proposals in
might squeeze in another tomorrow, the last day for the #cfp for the great volunteer-run March 9-12 conference in Pasadena
#flossevent #flossconf #socallinuxexpo #cfp #SCALE20x
Hey #LibreGraphics community, I don't see a SCaLE track for you this year, but you still have a day to get proposals in for the general track
#SCALE20x #socallinuxexpo #libregraphics
If you are in the area, come and say hello to some of the @CtrlIQ folks at #scale19x!
RT @CtrlIQ
Are you heading to @socallinuxexpo today? If so, stop by CIQ's booth to learn about Rocky Linux and HPC. While you're there, grab some CIQ and Rocky Linux swag!
#RockyLinux #Linux #CIQ #HPC #SoCalLinuxExpo
#SCaLE19x #RockyLinux #linux #ciq #hpc #socallinuxexpo