Rob πŸ‘‘πŸš€πŸ¦Ž · @SimpleRobC
274 followers · 1620 posts · Server

"As reported on X"
"Quoted by Adam on X"
"photography from account on X"

- on X, at X, by X, known as X

Did ANYONE think this through?

A million permutations of xProduct name(s) - like their "xAI" - but sure X Holdings, and their social media product X. Found at

Oh right, this is Elon .

It'll get fixed/addressed later, after all, it's not like it's killing anyone or giving out assassination coordinates.

#musk #urnotapple #childish #celebrity #business #x #socalmedia

Last updated 1 year ago

RS, Author, Novelist · @sfwrtr
62 followers · 209 posts · Server

@mercurythedragon While I agree with the need for policy and laws to protect privacy, there is a good reason why male birth control pills haven't taken off, and why no woman would trust such a product. Not taking care of yourself could get you really....

[Sorry. Couldn't help myself... -RS]

#Privacy #encryption #socalmedia

Last updated 2 years ago

T.Wang · @tisage
0 followers · 1 posts · Server

Mastodon uses federated network, users can only directly follow and interact with other users on the same server that they are a part of. In order to follow and interact with users on other instances, they would need to manually search for and join those instances, and then search for the specific user they want to follow. This can make it more difficult to discover and connect with users and communities outside of one's own instance.

#mastodon #socalmedia

Last updated 2 years ago

Otterhouse · @Otterhouse
365 followers · 1019 posts · Server

β€žAls TikTok wordt verboden hebben we minder concurrentie, minder druk op andere bedrijven om te innoveren, en dat is slecht voor de consumenten. Meer concurrentie kunnen we in deze sector goed gebruiken. Ik zou alleen willen dat de sociale media ook zouden concurreren op kwesties van algemeen belang: wie het veiligste platform heeft, wie het meest verantwoordelijk omgaat met persoonlijke data.”

#privacy #socalmedia #china #data #tiktok

Last updated 2 years ago

Kingsley Uyi Idehen · @kidehen
226 followers · 252 posts · Server

"Nostalgia is a dangerous drug and it’s always risky to wallow in it. So those of us who fondly remember the early blogosphere, and now want to draw parallels to the fediverse, should do so carefully. But we do want to learn from history." -- @judell


#blogosphere #fediverse #history #openweb #socalmedia

Last updated 2 years ago