CITY2 players Walker, Jensen sent on loan
ST. LOUIS -- Two members of the St. Louis CITY2 squad were sent off on loan over the weekend. The move from the CITY SC front office has midfielder Isak Je
#MLSNews #SoccerFutbolNews #Sports #BobbyMurphy #CITY2 #DanishSuperliga #EricWalker #IsakJensen #LutzPfannenstiel #MajorLeagueSoccer #MLSNews #SoccerNews #SportsNews #StLouisCITYSC #USLChampionship #ViborgFF
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Salukis, Lions battle to tie
ST. CHARLES, Mo. - Dana Cruz scored her first goal as a member of the Southern Illinois University (1-2-3) Salukis in a 1-1 draw at Lindenwood University on Sunday.
Southern Illinois posted five shots in the first half
#NCAANews #NCAASoccer #Sports #ChantelleSymes #DanaCruz #LindenwoodUniversity #MaggieWeller #McKenseyBunch #SamDodd #SoccerNews #SouthernIllinoisUniversity #SportsNews
#ncaanews #ncaasoccer #sports #chantellesymes #danacruz #lindenwooduniversity #maggieweller #mckenseybunch #samdodd #soccernews #southernillinoisuniversity #sportsnews
Cougars, Salukis settle for tie
EDWARDSVILLE -- The SIUE Cougars women's soccer team outshot the SIU Salukis 23-6 Thursday but the two schools finished with a 1-1 draw at Korte Stadium.
#NCAANews #NCAASoccer #Sports #AshlynNichols #ChantelleSymes #DerekBurton #GraemeOrr #KaitlinDuCharme #McKenseyBunch #SoccerNews #SouthernIllinoisUniversity #SouthernIllinoisUniversityEdwardsville #SportsNews #TaylorSpiller
#ncaanews #ncaasoccer #sports #ashlynnichols #chantellesymes #derekburton #graemeorr #kaitlinducharme #mckenseybunch #soccernews #southernillinoisuniversity #southernillinoisuniversityedwardsville #sportsnews #taylorspiller
Saluki women’s soccer falls on the road at IUPUI
INDIANAPOLIS - Southern Illinois University's Saluki women's soccer team (1-1-0) suffered its first loss of the season on Sunday, as the Salukis fell to IUPUI, 2-
#NCAANews #NCAASoccer #Sports #AryLougher #EmmaSpotak #GraemeOrr #JessicaJacobs #MollyTapak #NCAASoccer #SamSlimak #SoccerNews #SouthernIllinoisUniversity #SportsNews #VeronicaGonzalez
#ncaanews #ncaasoccer #sports #arylougher #emmaspotak #graemeorr #jessicajacobs #mollytapak #samslimak #soccernews #southernillinoisuniversity #sportsnews #veronicagonzalez
SIUE Cougars fall at home to Milwaukee
EDWARDSVILLE - Milwaukee broke a 1-1 tie with a pair of unassisted goals Sunday and defeated SIUE Cougars women's soccer 3-1 at Korte Stadium.
"Every game, pretty
#NCAANews #NCAASoccer #Sports #CateCullison #DerekBurton #EllaRobinson #EmmaFamulak #KatVanBooven #KendallEdwards #LaineyHiggins #MacieBegley #NCAASoccer #SIUECougars #SoccerNews #SportsNews #TarynMoore
#ncaanews #ncaasoccer #sports #catecullison #derekburton #ellarobinson #emmafamulak #katvanbooven #kendalledwards #laineyhiggins #maciebegley #siuecougars #soccernews #sportsnews #tarynmoore
SIUE Soccer announces non-conference schedules
EDWARDSVILLE – After releasing its inaugural Ohio Valley Conference schedule, SIUE men's soccer has unveiled its nonconference schedule for the 2023 season. The Cougars will play seven
#GeneralNews #NCAANews #NCAASoccer #Sports #BronzeBoot #CaleWassermann #DerekBurton #NCAASoccer #NCAASports #OhioValleyConference #SIUECougars #SoccerNews #SportsNews
#generalnews #ncaanews #ncaasoccer #sports #bronzeboot #calewassermann #derekburton #ncaasports #ohiovalleyconference #siuecougars #soccernews #sportsnews
CITYPARK to host 2023 Bronze Boot
ST. LOUIS -- The home of Major League Soccer's St. Louis CITY SC, CITYPARK, can now add another event to its schedule: the Bronze Boot.
The Bronze Boot is one of NCAA’s most anticipated socce
#GeneralNews #NCAANews #NCAASoccer #SoccerFutbolNews #Sports #CITYPARK #NCAASoccer #SaintLouisUniversity #SoccerNews #SouthernIllinoisUniversityEdwardsville #SportsNews #StLouisCITYSC
#generalnews #ncaanews #ncaasoccer #soccerfutbolnews #sports #citypark #saintlouisuniversity #soccernews #southernillinoisuniversityedwardsville #sportsnews #stlouiscitysc
CITY SC drops League Cup opener 2-1
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- The four-hour-long weather delay at Columbus' Field certai
#MLSNews #SoccerFutbolNews #Sports #BradleyCarnell #ClioPompeu #ChucoHernndez #ClubAmrica #ColumbusCrew #IndianaVassilev #JacenRussellRowe #LeaguesCup #LIGAMX #LucasZelarayn #MLSNews #MohamedFarsi #NicholasGioacchini #SamuelAdeniran #SoccerNews #SportsNews #StLouisCITYSC #YevhenCheberko
#mlsnews #soccerfutbolnews #sports #bradleycarnell #cliopompeu #chucohernndez #clubamrica #columbuscrew #indianavassilev #jacenrussellrowe #leaguescup #ligamx #lucaszelarayn #mohamedfarsi #nicholasgioacchini #samueladeniran #soccernews #sportsnews #stlouiscitysc #yevhencheberko
CITY SC to participate in Leagues Cup
ST. LOUIS – St. Louis CITY SC is a selection to play in the Central 1 group for the Leagues Cup 2023. It will feature LIGA MX powerhouse Club América and Columbus Crew SC, the tournament announced Friday.
The 15 groups will prepare for the inaugural
#MLSNews #Soccer/FutbolNews #Sports #futbolnews #LeaguesCup #LIGAMX #MLSnews #soccernews #sportsnews #St.LouisCITYSC
#mlsnews #soccer #sports #futbolnews #leaguescup #ligamx #soccernews #sportsnews #st
Good luck in retirement! Your fans will miss you:)
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Gareth Bale announced that he is bowing out. Some of his accomplishments are winning five Champions League titles, three UEFA Super Cup wins, three La Ligas, one Copa del Rey, one MLS Cup and he made 111 appearances for Welsh national teams. A legend!
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YOOOO CRISTIANO RONALDO IS LEAVING MANCHESTER UNITED… Apparently through mutual agreement #SoccerNews #Soccer #Football #Cristiano #CristianoRonaldo #ManchesterUnited #Manchester
#soccernews #soccer #football #cristiano #cristianoronaldo #ManchesterUnited #manchester