#Sondaggi #RepubblicaCeca
Sondaggio di Median:
#ANO|RE: 33% (-2,5)
#SPOLU (#ODS-#KDU/#ČSL-#TOP09)|ECR|EPP: 24,5% (+3,5)
#Piráti|G/EFA: 12% (+1)
#SPD|ID: 8% (-2)
#STAN|EPP: 6,5% (+1)
#SOCDEM|S&D: 5% (+1)
#Přísaha|Centro anti-corruzione: 3% (+0,5)
#KSČM|LEFT: 3% (+0,5)
#Zelení|G/EFA: 1,5% (-1)
#PRO|Destra populista: 1,5%
Data rilevazione: 1° luglio-8 agosto
+/-: 12-30 giugno
Intervistati: 1019
#sondaggi #repubblicaceca #ano #spolu #ods #kdu #top09 #pirati #spd #stan #socdem #prisaha #kscm #zeleni #pro
#Sondaggi #RepubblicaCeca
Sondaggio di Median:
#ANO|RE: 35,5% (+1)
#SPOLU (#ODS-#KDU/#ČSL-#TOP09)|ECR|EPP: 21% (-3,5)
#Piráti|G/EFA: 11% (+0,5)
#SPD|ID: 10% (+1,5)
#STAN|EPP: 5,5% (-0,5)
#KSČM|LEFT: 2,5% (-1)
#Trikolóra|Destra klausista: 2,5%
#Zelení|G/EFA: 2,5% (+2,5)
#Přísaha|Centro anti-corruzione: 2,5% (+0,5)
#PRO|Destra populista: 1,5% (+1,5)
Data rilevazione: 12-26 giugno
+/-: 1° maggio-2 giugno
Intervistati: 1007
#sondaggi #repubblicaceca #ano #spolu #ods #kdu #top09 #pirati #spd #stan #socdem #kscm #trikolora #zeleni #prisaha #pro
Sociální demokracii povede i v dalším období Michal Šmarda #socdem #smarda https://echo24.cz/a/HGTfw/zpravy-domov-socialni-demokracie-predseda
Šmardův rebranding: Česká strana sociálně demokratická změní název na Sociální demokracie
#cssd #socdem #rebranding https://echo24.cz/a/HX9Xy/zpravy-domov-cssd-se-meni-na-socdem-socialni-demokracie
Carole Delga nouvelle porte-parole du rassemblement national.
@Radical_EgoCom exactly.
#Sanders isn't even "left" in #Germany since he'll barely fit for a #SocDem party...
@salad_bar_breath *nodds in agreeement*
It's flabberghasting that they think the shitty #socdem|s that destroy #Ordoliberalism is seen by them as a "dystophia" when they are literally creating one made out of social darwinism.
@michael_hoerger precisely.
This is why self-proclaimed anti-socialist #Bismarck pushed for affordable healthcare in 1890s imperial Germany:
Cuz workers with access to healthcare and a basic safety net will be less likely to find those #SocDem's ideal interesting and thus revolt...
And it worked!
@LunaDragofelis @Radical_EgoCom EXACTLY THAT!
#Biden and others ain't even #Socdem - and the closest to #SocDem is #Sanders...
#Nupes #SocDem #Insupportable #VousCroyezQueCestUnJeu
#DemanderGentillement #LeReformismeLaSeuleSolutionMDR #RevolutionMaisPasTrop
#Traitre #StatuQuo #InutileMaisPacifiste
#NUPES #socdem #insupportable #vouscroyezquecestunjeu #demandergentillement #lereformismelaseulesolutionmdr #revolutionmaispastrop #traitre #statuquo #inutilemaispacifiste
#introduction for the trend lol
I'm an indian student entering my last year of high school used to lurk twitter before it got rekt by musk
Intrests include and are not limited to #starwars and #dccomics et cetera
Politically #socdem and enjoy rail and bus transit along with walkable cities
#introduction #starwars #dccomics #socdem
@CllrJessLennox With my 'commie talk. I had a bit of a hard time when I started work. I was told 'you see, boy, as you get older, get responsibilities; wife, home, children, you'll wise up & see voting Tory is in your best interest'
If I placed me on the l/r spectrum then, I would say I was a #socdem . Now, much, much older I'm #socialist / #communist So, those guys were very, very strong.
Today, young ppl can hardly imagine a partner, home children. No surprise to me they don't swing #right
#socdem #socialist #communist #right
> > > What’s the damnedest thing? Social democratic countries are clearly the best-run, most successful countries in the history of the world.
... Despite all this, it’s almost impossible to find champions of social democracy for social democracy’s sake. Where are the social democratic ideologues?
You know, I've been here for a few years, but I don't think I ever wrote a proper #introduction post. So here goes.
Hi! My name is Kaye, pronouns are they/their or he/his but honestly just use whatever. I'm not a robot, but I play one o̶n̶ ̶T̶V̶ on the Web. Furry content is to be expected.
My background's in IT, my main creative hobby is #gamedev. I'm fairly active in green politics, the digital civil rights sphere, and the whole general #socdem type of deal.
If you've followed my account because I made a funny observation about old software, like the "Nero burning ROM" thing, hello and I'm very sorry, it's mostly rambles and shitposts.
#introduction #gamedev #socdem
Can someone build a list of the cool bigger name lefty news people who are already on #mastodon ?
Please and thank you!
#mastodon #leftists #progressives #socdem #demsoc #democrats #twittermigration
I follow back if you're:
And pro:
Or you're open to discussion on these topics.
We don't have to agree on everything. But we all need to recognize that powerful, moneyed interests, not average Americans, are the biggest threat to our nation's health, wealth, and happiness.
#leftist #progressive #demsoc #socdem #democrat #secular #renewableenergy #medicare4all #union #campaignfinancereform #taxtherich #publiclyfundedelections