Our project Biosphere Futures
is an open online database of #socialEcologicalScenarios cases from around the world
the database has over 100 cases that have been contributed scenario practitioners from around the world
A preprint describing the data base is here:
we would love more scenarios, using more methods, from more places
Please contribute your work to connect to a community of #scenario practitioners.
#scenario #socialEcologicalScenarios
Our project Biosphere Futures
is an open online database of #socialEcologicalScenarios cases from around the world
the database has now reached 100 cases
that have been contributed by 88 people
from over the world
we would love more scenarios
from more places
using more methods
If you have published social-ecological scenario work please contribute your work, to improve scenario practice, and connect to a community of #scenario practitioners.
#scenario #socialEcologicalScenarios
Our project Biosphere Futures
is an open online database of #socialEcologicalScenarios cases from around the world
the database has now reached 100 cases
that have been contributed by 88 people
from over the world
we would love more scenarios
from more places
using more methods
If you have published social-ecological scenario work please contribute your work, to improve scenario practice, and connect to a community of #scenario practitioners.
#scenario #socialEcologicalScenarios
Our project Biosphere Futures
is an open online database of #socialEcologicalScenarios cases from around the world
the database includes over 90 scenario case studies and would love more
If you have published social-ecological scenario work please contribute your work, to improve scenario practice, and connect to a community of #scenario practitioners.
It also includes (so far) 3 theme pages on:
Food futures,
African futures, &
Mountain futures
#scenario #socialEcologicalScenarios
Our project Biosphere Futures
is an open online database of #socialEcologicalScenarios cases from around the world
we now have over 80 cases and would love more
If you have published social-ecological scenario work please contribute your work and connect to a community of #scenario practitioners.
It also includes (so far) 3 theme pages on:
African futures, &
Mountain futures
#scenario #socialEcologicalScenarios