RT @Michael_Blade
Releasing of my new book, "Social VR for the Metaverse with A-Frame WebXR" in stages. Chps 1-4 will be as a free teaser of my work, completing the remainder sometime before 2023. #metaverse #socialVR @aframevr #webxr #webdev #VR https://funbit64.com/drupal/index.php/node/11
#VR #webdev #webxr #socialVR #metaverse
RT @paracreative
The team at @mozilla rounded up the top 5 most inspiring #Hubs galleries on the web, and two (two!!) of ours made the cut. Explore all the boundary-pushing virtual exhibitions: https://hubs.mozilla.com/labs/5-incredible-art-galleries/
#webxr #3dweb #OpenWeb #socialVR #virtualreality #VR #hubs
RT @bcarlton727
@MozillaHubs has always been an underrated platform IMO. I recently keynoted at Kent State University on #VR, #socialVR, and education, and dedicated part of my keynote on this tool. People should be talking about this platform more. https://twitter.com/drnoahglaser/status/1511745894202281988