BookQuestChin :fuck_verify: · @robcayman
136 followers · 229 posts · Server

Please boost this and comment, I'm hoping we can get participation from the entire instance. For this attempt to work, it requires actual comments and people engaging with one another

is an Anarchist instance. Not everyone on here is strictly anarchist, but in theory, everyone on this instance is at least anarchic to some extent.

I think this presents a massive opportunity. It essentially provides a space conducive to long form discussion where anarchists and anarchics are able to discuss the various tendencies and how we can coordinate our theories and praxis to more effectively bring about the end of Hierarchies of Domination, and structure a better horizontal world.

So maybe we can start a conversation, first and foremost, about what tendencies are represented here. Comment with your tendency or tendencies, along with your specific area of interest.

I will start. I'm a and my main area of focus is

#Kolektiva #socialanarchist #CoordinationAsPower

Last updated 2 years ago

Thing I love most about this place? It reflects way more of the diversity of life than any commercial place ever could. I'm a member , a with very diverse partners. I have interests from to to to to . I play with and ... And, know what? I am not *at* *all* unusual here and that feels great. Thx, , stay weird!🦥

#mensa #aspie #socialanarchist #cisbutpreferssingularthey #polyamorous #pansexual #queer #sadist #protector #dom #hacking #lockpicking #cryptology #spycraft #statecraft #lego #cobi #fediverse

Last updated 2 years ago