Find out about the nuanced and gendered reasons people may have for pursuing postsecondary education during times of economic uncertainty, thanks to #newResearch by Pamela Aronson and Carmel E. Price, in the latest issue of Sociological Focus.
#sociology #socialClass #education
#education #socialclass #sociology #newresearch
Teachers' conceptions of the ideal student depend on where they teach. Are class inequalities being reproduced through teaching?
#sociology #newResearch #QualitativeResearch #teaching #class #habitus #idealStudent #socialClass
#socialclass #idealstudent #habitus #Class #teaching #qualitativeresearch #newresearch #sociology
Children of U.S. mothers without 4-year degrees are more likely to experience family instability related to more widespread cohabitation.
#NICHDImpact #Children #Cohabitation #Marriage #SocialClass #Family #FamilyInstability #HigherEducation
#NICHDimpact #children #cohabitation #marriage #socialclass #family #familyinstability #highereducation
... also - and observing from a highly anecdotal/experiential standpoint -
local kids educated in #UK comprehensive schools getting uni places in high-ranking unis get very mixed reactions from the parents of the privately-educated kids:
£50Kpa+ spent on private-school tuition fees by UK parents hoping to gain social advantage for their offspring leaves them with a v. bitter after-taste when the bright yet poorer kids get a look in
#CriticalRealism #HigherEducation
#uk #CriticalRealism #highereducation #socialclass #socialmobility
Social class, sleep, and health:
Our new research suggests that poorer quality sleep partly explains social class differences in mental and physical health among students in higher education.
Open access:
#mentalhealth #sleep #socialclass #studentsuccess #edi #educationalresearch #highered #HigherEducation #socialpsychology
Rising U.S. inequality hinders social mobility:
“As inequality increases, upper-class parents transfer greater amounts of money to their children, while lower-class parents are less likely to give money, give smaller amounts on average, and are more likely to co-reside.”
Mastodonian author: @ginevra
#sociology #socialclass #socialmobility #inequality
Let us not forget that #calendars are social constructs which througout #history have been used to assert the dominance of one #culture, #philosophy, or #SocialClass over another. I'll definitely toot about some of those in the future.
#calendars #history #culture #philosophy #socialclass
New qualitative study of 36 UK uni students suggests SES differences in the way they construe belonging at university:
“Students with low SES referred to belonging as a feeling they had similar experiences with other students….In contrast, high SES students reported that belonging was focus on being authentic.”
Couple of quotes follow: 🧵👉
Open access:
#studentsuccess #authenticity #belonging #ses #socialclass #edi #educationalresearch #highered
Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association (#MeCCSA): Connected Futures?
Deadline: 31/03/2023
"Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
– Representations of #Race, #Gender, #Sexuality, #Disability and #SocialClass in media narratives
– The future of television SVODs, FAST, AVOD, TVOD, and of public service broadcasting
– The future of the cinema industry and of movie theatres
– The future of music consumption, podcasts and radio
#cfp #meccsa #race #gender #sexuality #disability #socialclass
SES, Inclusion, and Mental Health:
Really interesting new survey of UK Higher Education staff finds that staff from lower socioeconomic status backgrounds feel relatively less valued and included by policymakers (e.g., government), and this has a negative effect on their mental health and well-being.
#mentalhealth #HigherEducation #socialclass #ses #orgpsych #orgbehavior #sociology #socialpsychology #science
Meritocracy only goes so far.
Research shows that a working class background still holds back even those who have managed to 'get on' in life.
Read the latest story on outHouse...
#socialclass #workingclass #socialmobility #society
Fitting in at University:
Longitudinal study (N = 829) finds first-generation university students conceal their social background more than continuing-generation students in order to fit in at university, but their identity concealment results in poorer well-being.
Veldman et al. (2022):
#belonging #mentalhealth #firstgenerationstudents #SocioeconomicStatus #socialclass #studentsuccess #edi #educationalresearch #highered #HigherEducation
Lovely study addressing some limitations of two of our past studies on students’ social class and social integration at university (Rubin & Kelly, 2015; Rubin et al., 2016):
“Neither study tested the contribution of support stemming specifically from teachers [or] assessed students’ perceptions of whether they might be rejected by others specifically due to their SES”
#education #HigherEducation #edi #mentalhealth #socialsupport #socialclass #SocioeconomicStatus
Lovely study addressing some limitations of two of our past work on students’ social class and social integration at university (Rubin & Kelly, 2015; Rubin et al., 2016):
“Neither study tested the contribution of support stemming specifically from teachers [or] assessed students’ perceptions of whether they might be rejected by others specifically due to their SES”
#education #HigherEducation #edi #mentalhealth #socialsupport #socialclass #SocioeconomicStatus
Lovely study addressing some limitations of our past work on students’ social class, social integration, and mental health at university (Rubin & Kelly, 2015; Rubin et al., 2016):
“Neither study tested the contribution of support stemming specifically from teachers [or] assessed students’ perceptions of whether they might be rejected by others specifically due to their SES”
#education #HigherEducation #edi #mentalhealth #socialsupport #socialclass #SocioeconomicStatus
The perceived humanity of low SES groups:
“Individuals who are more aware of the socioeconomic gap between groups...will be more sensitive to recognizing the existing tendency to dehumanize low-SES groups compared with high-SES groups.”
#dehumanization #inequality #ses #socialclass #socialscience #socialpsychology #psychology
The concept of class is often avoided in public debate, but it’s essential for understanding inequality.
Ralk about class involves talking about material inequality, work conditions, and the social, economic and political relations that produce wealth and poverty.
#sociologist #sociology @sociology #class #inequality #equality #science #SocialClass
#sociologist #sociology #class #inequality #equality #science #socialclass
So proud of my (past) PhD student, Dr Romany McGuffog, graduating yesterday. 👏👏 👏 🥳
I couldn’t be there myself but loved to hear the audience appreciate her thesis title in this little video:
“Sleep tight and don’t let the socioeconomic inequality bite! Relations between social class, sleep, and mental and physical health.”
#mentalhealth #phdone #phdlife #sleep #socialclass #edi #sociology #socialscience #socialpsychology
@samliao ⬆️ Really interesting article on #deference #epistemology. Got me thinking about where the issues it describes are most at play (everything to do with #SocialClass) vs. least (#gender issues?)
#deference #epistemology #socialclass #gender
The conceptualization of lifestyle in sociological theory.
In the analysis of social stratification, relevant contemporary sociologists pay much more attention to lifestyle, than to traditional concepts of social classes and social strata.
This article aims to present some examples of classical and contemporary conceptualization of lifestyles.
#sociology #lifestyles #socialstratification #conceptualframework #socialclass
#sociology #lifestyles #socialstratification #conceptualframework #socialclass