Kayleen Gnwmythr · @KayleenGnwmythr
343 followers · 877 posts · Server aus.social
aevisia · @aevisia
8 followers · 28 posts · Server noagendasocial.com

On the surface, its often fun to have some people doing fun things.

Dig deeper, Monkey see monkey do, top down , also .

Some are genuinely good but others have very dark family histories that they need to as part of " management" in a very Machiavellian sort of way.

#socialconditioning #indoctrination #celebrities #whitewash #estate

Last updated 2 years ago

Are they even seeking to trademark M'verse? Its possible they aren't and intend to leverage their existing and .

If they can create enough 'verses', then in the minds of the general populace 'fediverse' just comes under their umbrella and it gets largely ignored.

We thought Mverse would die in a few months but are still pumping.

Thus fediverse dies slowly under the above scenario unless we collectively do something — and relatively soon.

#power #socialconditioning #influencers

Last updated 2 years ago

· @londonarmyreal
316 followers · 3836 posts · Server brighteon.social

Can someone make a meme from the oracle scene of with the girl and the spoon. The first image with the spoon has no caption. Then an image of watching. The last image with the bent spoon having the caption, "There was no normal".

#thematrix #neo #newnormal #covid #meme #humour #NEOED #climatecrisis #socialconditioning #corporatism #fiatCurrency #centralBanks #centralBanking #moneyPrinterGoBrr

Last updated 5 years ago