As well as many other things.
#alcohol #videogames #gambling #caffeine #socialmedia #education #itsallanillusion #socialconditioning #badhabits #thematrix
#alcohol #videogames #gambling #caffeine #socialmedia #education #itsallanillusion #socialconditioning #badhabits #thematrix
On the surface, its often fun to have some people doing fun things.
Dig deeper, Monkey see monkey do, top down #socialConditioning, also #indoctrination.
Some #celebrities are genuinely good but others have very dark family histories that they need to #whitewash as part of "#estate management" in a very Machiavellian sort of way.
#socialconditioning #indoctrination #celebrities #whitewash #estate
Are they even seeking to trademark M'verse? Its possible they aren't and intend to leverage their existing #power and #socialConditioning.
If they can create enough 'verses', then in the minds of the general populace 'fediverse' just comes under their umbrella and it gets largely ignored.
We thought Mverse would die in a few months but #influencers are still pumping.
Thus fediverse dies slowly under the above scenario unless we collectively do something — and relatively soon.
#power #socialconditioning #influencers
"This Is What They’re Not Telling You!"
#donotcomply #maxigan #news #johnnybigger #socialconditioning #electionfraud #StandUp #usa #freedom #America #wakeup #wakeupamerica #COVID
#COVID #wakeupamerica #wakeup #America #freedom #usa #StandUp #electionfraud #socialconditioning #johnnybigger #news #maxigan #donotcomply
Can someone make a meme from the oracle scene of #theMatrix with the girl and the spoon. The first image with the spoon has no caption. Then an image of #Neo watching. The last image with the bent spoon having the caption, "There was no normal".
#newNormal #covid #meme #humour #neoed #climateCrisis #socialconditioning #corporatism #fiatcurrency #centralbanks #centralbanking #moneyprintergobrr
#thematrix #neo #newnormal #covid #meme #humour #NEOED #climatecrisis #socialconditioning #corporatism #fiatCurrency #centralBanks #centralBanking #moneyPrinterGoBrr