**Co přesně znamená být „sociálně propojený“? **
📌Je to počet lidí, které znáte?
📌Je to vámi vnímaná blízkost k ostatním lidem ve vašem životě?
📌Nebo je to počtem kvalitních vztahů, které máte?
Mohou být láska, intimita a sociální kontakty důležitější než věci jako sláva, bohatství a dokonce i fyzické zdraví?
Představuje osamělost jednu z nejvážnějších hrozeb pro naše fyzické zdraví?
**7 tipů, jak su vybudovat silnější spojení s ostatními lidmi**
[Workplace] social committee feels like the remote side of the workforce might be feeling left out. Company social events *do* happen but obv the remote sector isnt able to attend, or be part of office things. What kinds of things can be done for keeping us all feeling connected?
#socialconnection #interaction #remoteworkers #connection
Loneliness is not just a social problem, it’s also bad for your health. Loneliness can increase the risk of premature mortality, cardiovascular disease, depression, and cognitive decline. Experts say that loneliness can be prevented and treated by strengthening social connections, creating age-friendly environments, and combating ageism.
#loneliness #health #socialconnection
When her grandmother & mother were diagnosed with dementia, @tiapowell learned to focus not on finding a cure, but care. On 5/17, join Powell @VijethIyengar @AARP to chat about #Alzheimers #agingcare #socialconnection Register free👇 https://arevie.ws/3IGEkVd
#alzheimers #agingcare #socialconnection
🥳We got a NEW 🇮🇹Banner for my “Rest is Rust. Motion is Lotion” project at the Malden Senior Center.
🗣️IL Riposo è La Ruggine
👣IL Movimento è L’olio
🎯My goal is to have multilingual banners to promote physical activity for older adults!
Stronger Together💪🏾
#Diversity #quote #seniorfitness #seniorcare #aging #inclusion #healthequity #socialconnection #boston #photo #photography
#photography #photo #boston #socialconnection #HealthEquity #inclusion #aging #Seniorcare #seniorfitness #quote #diversity
📲Even a simple “check in” can make someone’s day.
🙇🏽♂️I was thinking of a member from my strength class at the Malden Senior Center, so I reached out.
Their reply is priceless❤️
🙂If you have the power to make someone happy, do it. The world needs more of that.
#mentalhealth #checkin #socialconnection #seniorhealth #seniorcare #community #leadership #helpothers #aging #healthyaging #makeadifference #boston #quotes
#quotes #boston #makeadifference #healthyaging #aging #HelpOthers #leadership #community #Seniorcare #seniorhealth #socialconnection #checkin #mentalhealth
This week's episode of Porch Whiskey, continuing Jason Allen's look at men's mental health and social connection.
Get out the cave, dude.
#men #menshealth #mentalhealth #socialconnection
#ValentinesDay reminds us every year of the crucial importance of #SocialConnection, #Relationships & #Attachment for our #Wellbeing and #Health.
Would you like to learn more about the #Social #Neuroscience of #Attachment? Then this may be of interest: https://pvrticka.com/attachment/.
#valentinesday #socialconnection #relationships #attachment #wellbeing #health #social #neuroscience
Why companionship is crucial in elderly care
As a healthcare professional, it's important to be able to offer more than just medical treatment to our patients. Sometimes, all they need is someone to be present with them and listen to their concerns.
Farid Alsabeh is a psychotherapist.
Listen here: https://kevinmd.com/podcast
#companionship #elderlycare #patientcare #healthcare #listening #support #socialconnection #aginggracefully
#companionship #elderlycare #patientcare #healthcare #listening #support #socialconnection #aginggracefully
RT @HeyNeighbourBC@twitter.com
Last week, @MichelleHoar@twitter.com represented HNC at #Reconnectem in Barcelona; we're so grateful to have been given the opportunity to be involved in these international discussions on #socialconnection and #loneliness! https://twitter.com/xavimatilla/status/1590263836946628608
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HeyNeighbourBC/status/1592263654732615680
#Reconnectem #socialconnection #loneliness