The #TWG biweekly meeting is about to get started, feel free to join if you want to say hi!
#SocialCoop members, please check out this important discussion about the future of our fiscal host relationship:
This is about the legal underpinning of our co-op, and I believe it is good news.
Anyone else on #socialcoop experiencing this issue of some images not loading while scrolling through your timeline? cc @SocialCoop
Months are flying by and I can't believe it's already September.
CWG Ops Team meeting is coming up quickly: Friday September 1st @ 6am PT, 7am MT, 9am ET, 3pm CET.
@Matt_Noyes, @flancian, @sam, @noemu members are welcome to come and observe, ask questions, and see how things work on our ops team.
Just started a thread on having the #SocialCoop Finance Working Group develop an annual comprehensive budget for the co-op—members, please join:
I love how members quietly get shit done.
It was a nice reminder at our last CWG Ops Team meeting that we already have reporting guidelines in our wiki! They are definitely outdated and we need to create a regular rhythm in which we review the necessary changes to this type of documentation on a regular basis, but it's just so great that it's there!
Thanks to everyone who has quietly stepped up and done the work over the years.
On the OpenCollective for #socialcoop, do any of you have an issue where recurring payments fail every time?
This has happened for many months for me now, and I can't quite figure it out.
#socialcoop PSA: I intend to finish bringing up as a possible second instance for the community, all comments welcome :)
This is in the spirit of exploring options within
For me, the remaining question is whether to explore setting up or joining a Pact-aligned instance. And I'm still interested in trying out Hometown.
I think probably I won't leave at this stage, but I'd feel a bit better if I was part of a social instance that took more of a hard line on the corporate internet.
If there are others from who would like to explore this with me, it'd be great to get a group of us connected, but I think there's no rush.
@dynamic I've been meaning to thank you for taking on organizing the discussions and polling on #SocialCoop about #meta and #threads. It can be very hard to organize such discussions and I think you've been doing an excellent job.
@yurnidiot #SocialCoop is funded by member subscriptions, through #OpenCollective
The minimum is £1/month ($1.29/month), but many members voluntarily contribute more.
@inquiline On, we receive this message by checking the account: "This profile has been hidden by the moderators of" 👍🏻
Edit: I hope it's a sign that the instances are taking steps to block the accounts.
@mekkaokereke @J12t @ricmac @jdp23
I've seen commentary elsewhere that the fediverse as a whole is very male-dominated, which surprised me because so many of the most prominent voices in my corner (as well as so many of the founders) are transfemme and/or queer. It was pretty disappointing to learn.
In any case, #SocialCoop may indeed have representation issues, but I have no idea how they compare with Fedi as a whole.
Hi @jdp23. Thank you for this a thought-provoking outsider's perpsective on #SocialCoop, and of course I can't help being flattered by your praise for my own observation.
At one point in the process, I looked through the votes cast, and, like you, I was really struck by the number of male-sounding usernames. For what it's worth, I am cis female myself.
Not familiar with the Santa Clara Principles, but I think that the big companies have much larger moderation problems than simple bias.
With regard to the Fediverse, I believe that each instance / server takes its own approach to moderation, so there's probably not one single answer.
I don't know the details of how #SocialCoop's Community Working Group practices moderation. Maybe others can chime in with more information on this.
@dynamic What I am questioning regarding instance-level blocking is whether the current *design* of this federated system is in it's final form. If it isn’t, I would think that long term communities on instances like #SocialCoop would help drive design of Mastodon, and in turn ActivityPub.
Connecting this idea to Meta specifically, the threat of Threads is having a large bite over control of design!
Really cool to have close to 100 people already voting on the #SocialCoop instance policy vis-a-vis Threads. We use #Loomio for these kinds of decisions. There's always room for improvement, but I'm just glad we have participatory processes for policies that affect all users of the server.
@dynamic Let's say is a country. A country makes decisions about whether and to what extent it engages with other countries.
Is #SocialCoop so strongly defined by its dogmatism that preservation of culture is more important interacting with outsiders?
Or is it more of a home with a special interest that engages with the outside world?
@jdp23 @julieofthespirits @kissane @adamgreenfield
Went to make sure we blocked dobbs dot town from and yes indeed we already did thanks to:
All Erin's points stand but nice to know that for this specific case is indeed solved by the one shared blocklist we used!
(Hey #SocialCoop why isn't our block list public?)
Haven't looked for Mastodon but #Calckey has an active issue for making 'subscribing' to blocklists easy:
Just posted a new Loomio #governance proposal for #SocialCoop to moderate at the Limit level.