The ultimate value we gain from modeling depends on the dominant underlying values at play - values that impact the inputs used & the interpretations of the resulting outputs. This post is based on @drvolts interview with Dr. Erica Thompson on his Volts podcast.
#modeling #modelmaking #ClimateAction #energymodeling #sustainabledesign #valuesmatter #diversityandinclusion #esg #environmentalsocialgovernance #prosocial #lifecycleassessment #socialcostofcarbon
#socialcostofcarbon #lifecycleassessment #prosocial #EnvironmentalSocialGovernance #esg #diversityandinclusion #valuesmatter #sustainabledesign #energymodeling #ClimateAction #modelmaking #modeling
"Although the EPA is officially continuing to use the interim #SocialCostOfCarbon of $51 per ton, the central estimate in the draft report would raise the social cost of carbon to $190.
[That estimate does not take into account] damages from more frequent and severe wildfires, damages from ocean acidification, any damages that will be incurred after the year 2300, and damage to culturally or historically significant resources."
"Although the EPA is officially continuing to use the interim #SocialCostOfCarbon of $51 per ton, the central estimate in the draft report would raise the social cost of carbon to $190.
[That estimate does not take into account] damages from more frequent and severe wildfires, damages from ocean acidification, any damages that will be incurred after the year 2300, and damage to culturally or historically significant resources."