GryphonSK · @GryphonSK
284 followers · 3162 posts · Server

@nazokiyoubinbou @gfarrell

Democrats are liberals, not socialists. So when the Republicans call us socialists (or communists), they’re just lying. Arguably, to a fascist populist, everyone to their left looks “socialist”, or maybe they just don’t care about the truth.

However, there are actual socialists who run as Democrats, even though they’re not. These people are democratic socialists, which refers to any form of socialism that includes voting. Cuba and the USSR are examples.

In contrast, there’s social democracy, which is not socialism at all. Rather, it’s a moderately-left political stance; roughly speaking, the European equivalent of American (social) liberalism.

Socialism is communism. Or, rather, socialism is the attempt to make communism. The USSR was technically socialist, not communist. In fact, it’s right there in the name.

Circling around to socialists infiltrating the DNC, they’re socialist populist, and when they call themselves socialists, it hurts liberals because it gives credence to the Republican lie that the DNC is socialist.

They know this and don’t care, because they hate the DNC and want to take it over.

Does that sound nuts? Yeah, I thought so, too, but they keep insisting:

#populism #socialism #anticapitalism #uspol #socialdemocracy #democraticsocialism

Last updated 1 year ago

ThatSamPossibl · @ThatSamPossibl
0 followers · 1 posts · Server

Hey Mastodon! This is my

I’m a student, with the aim to be a for K-12 persons and their families. I will never represent a school district, because I’m a Dad of an Autie, and I know what it is like to navigate & negotiate with district administrators, whom I differentiate from teachers or aids. I support , because they support students.

Besides the above, I’m and a supporter of independent .

#intropost #paralegal #specialed #advocate #disabled #teachers #agonistic #socialdemocracy

Last updated 1 year ago

GryphonSK · @GryphonSK
277 followers · 3097 posts · Server

Not just . I'm a , and I'd rather live under .

Yes, none of the places in the meme are/were actually , but many of us have the habit of using the word as an inaccurate shorthand.

Oh, and the was , like is now, regardless of what they call themselves.

#millennials #genxer #nordic #economics #socialist #socialism #ussr #state #capitalist #China #democraticsocialism #socialdemocracy

Last updated 1 year ago

Drop Bear · @DropBear
132 followers · 519 posts · Server

Remember the Housing Commission? In 1956, Menzies renegotiated the agreement under which it operated. Funds were diverted away from public housing and rental assistance. Existing public housing stock was sold off (around 90,000 dwellings, IIRC). The rich got richer and the poor got poorer.

Australia has since become increasingly Totalitarian Capitalist, if not NecroCapitalist. We need to acknowledge that the market doesn't always have the best solutions - or any solution at all, apart from further profiting the already rich.

Where, between the extremes of Socialism and Capitalism, do we want Australia to stand?


#auspol #necrocapitalism #totalitariancapitalism #socialdemocracy

Last updated 1 year ago

Karl , immediate opponent of the Great War and close comrade of fellow socialdemocrat & communist Rosa Luxemburg, murdered together with her by proto-fascist military in alliance with nationalist & pro-capitalist (M)#SPD leaders


KĂ€the Kollwitz, 'In memoriam Karl Liebknecht' (1920)

#botd #liebknecht #socialism #militarism #socialist #socialdemocrat #communist #communism #socialdemocracy #left #german #Firstworldwar #wwi #greatwar #Revolutionary #womeninart #Kollwitz #woodcut #memory

Last updated 1 year ago

Cuilfail · @ISawTheWood
54 followers · 50 posts · Server

@peterdutoit the answer is independence for Scotland. Energy policy is foist upon us by Westminster. Scotland doesn't vote Tory or Red Tory and is more aligned with a leaning

#scottishindependence #renewables #socialdemocracy #europeanunion #northeneuropean #green #left

Last updated 1 year ago

Pagan Witch · @the_luck_witch
55 followers · 1227 posts · Server
Jocelyn · @cyclotopie
57 followers · 926 posts · Server

@GeofCox @pvonhellermannn

Addressing their difficulties is one of the failed challenges of over the past 40 years... Our state tends to introduce hard thresholds, people struggling above/managing to get past those feel they are losing out.

They have been major contributors of Le Pen vote over all that time.


#socialdemocracy #welfare

Last updated 1 year ago

Anonymous đŸŒč · @jacobrogers256
1 followers · 33 posts · Server

will never win the south until they acknowledge the and misery that experience. win because they can animate the internalized of white workers and middle class people. , and need to be combined and adopted by the in lieu of .

#liberals #poverty #workers #conservatioids #racism #democracy #socialdemocracy #populism #democrats #neoliberalism

Last updated 1 year ago

Ingo StĂŒtzle · @istuetzle
1633 followers · 3115 posts · Server

😂 What then is the opposite of „open“? „Secret“, „uptight“ or „rhetorical“ ?

#marxist #austria #spo #socialdemocraticparty #socialdemocracy

Last updated 1 year ago

elCelio đŸ‡ȘđŸ‡ș · @elCelio
115 followers · 811 posts · Server
Terry Grundy, FRSA · @terrygrundy
661 followers · 2939 posts · Server
Jonathan Thomas Ferguson · @gabrielsandalphon
4 followers · 218 posts · Server
Jonathan Thomas Ferguson · @gabrielsandalphon
4 followers · 192 posts · Server
Markus Stein, MdL · @steinmdl
59 followers · 304 posts · Server

Heute Home-Office - ein Format, das es vor 160 Jahren bestimmt noch nicht gab. Und so alt wird unsere SPD heute - sie ist damit die Àlteste Partei in den deutschen Parlamenten.

Herzlichen GlĂŒckwunsch, liebe @SPDde. Deutschland braucht dich - auch in diesen Zeiten! Bist auch nach wie vor sowas, wie ne große Familie! 🙏

#SteinMdL #SPD #RLP #politik #socialdemocracy #Sozialdemokratie #gerechtigkeit #sozial #160jahrespd

Last updated 1 year ago

Jonathan Thomas Ferguson · @gabrielsandalphon
2 followers · 125 posts · Server

Hands up if you agree Marxism should have no place in the Labour Party!
Let's make a viable social democracy that takes care of the weakest and most vulnerable in society!

#uklabour #socialdemocracy

Last updated 1 year ago

kierkegaank · @kierkegaank
187 followers · 4448 posts · Server

May day news: to rebrand themselves from worker’s party to property owning middle class party

#swedish #socialdemocracy

Last updated 2 years ago

Miguel Afonso Caetano · @remixtures
397 followers · 1353 posts · Server

: "There are countless books that have made soft-left versions of this argument, among them Robert Reich’s Saving Capitalism, according to which ‘the threat to capitalism’ is ‘the increasing concentration of political power in a corporate and financial elite that has been able to influence the rules by which the economy runs.’footnote21 It strikes me that the role of Marxist intellectuals should be to point out that these pathologies of the current system grow out of capitalist social relations, and that precedent for many of them can be found throughout the history of capitalism (even including something like ‘asset price inflation’). Instead, Riley and Brenner seem to be suggesting that the pathologies can be blamed on the disappearance of capitalism in its classical form, with the latter now painted in retrospect as a system in which market logics led to productive investment, more-or-less shared growth and functional politics."

#capitalism #marxism #politicalcapitalism #socialdemocracy

Last updated 2 years ago

Miguel Afonso Caetano · @remixtures
397 followers · 1349 posts · Server

: "Social democrats often say they are the true realists, willing to state the obvious: that reform precedes revolution. The historical record refutes this claim. Periodically, the masses do rush the stage of history. They form mass organizations and push for change, along a path of rising expectations. The threat of revolution then activates the forces of reform, which ride the waves of mass mobilization into power. Once in power, those forces do institute reforms—many of which improve people’s quality of life—but do so as a way to bring mass mobilizations to a rapid conclusion. Real reforms arise out of, but also defend society against, the threat of revolution. Of course, we don’t live in a revolutionary period today. It’s not even clear if we will ever again see the kind of organized push for thoroughgoing social change that we saw in earlier eras. However, our epoch has seen mass mobilizations. How we orient ourselves towards the potentials inhering in these events and trends has consequences, not only for our present tactics but also for how we see future transitions. For example, Mason opines about the coming boom he sees just over the horizon. ‘To the extent that a rush of public and private spending leads to a sustained boom’, he notes, ‘that will create profound challenges for a system that is used to managing distributional conflicts through unemployment.’ ‘But what happens’, he goes on, ‘when labour gets stronger?’ Mason leaves this question hanging in the air. If his answer is anything like that of his left-Keynesian predecessors—such as Keynes himself and William Beveridge—then he likely thinks that once sustained full employment is achieved, labour peace will have to be mediated through negotiations between managers and unions."

#socialdemocracy #revolution #capitalism #communism #marxism #politicaleconomy

Last updated 2 years ago