GayDeceiver✨ · @GayDeceiver
804 followers · 4054 posts · Server

"Dr Crusher?"
"We may have a two-fold problem"
"What happened?"
"Commander Ryker has been expelled from Risa because he violated the moral mores of 17 different civilizations."
"Dear Lord"
"He broke the biofilters when he beamed over, so we don't know what he brought on board."

#Biofilter #socialdiseases #crusher #picard #pleasureplanet #startrek #risa #ryker

Last updated 2 years ago

GayDeceiver · @GayDeceiver
452 followers · 1232 posts · Server

"Jim, the biofilters can only do so much, and since you always have your ways with any alien female you encounter, I carry all sorts of cures. Pants down. This hypo is going to hurt."

#socialdiseases #bones #jim #kirk #mccoy #startrek

Last updated 2 years ago