Concretely, this includes a
Proposal for a legislative initiative on cross-border activities of associations
Proposal for a Council recommendation on social economy framework conditions
Member states urged to boost support for social economy sector #EUcouncilrecommendation #NicolasSchmit #SocialEconomy
#eucouncilrecommendation #nicolasschmit #socialeconomy
Community of Dragons is back this eve! 🐲 It's a way to mobilise funds & community support for local, regenerative businesses on land, food, art, bikes, production and more that emerged from Transition Town Totnes and the REconomy Project.
It's a friendly dragon's den style pitching event where local entrepreneurs can share their brilliant projects and anyone in the community can offer support, connections, investment and practical help. Hope it's a great event this evening!
Founder Jay Tompt told the story when explored how "Together We Can build sustainable livelihoods"
#reconomy #socialeconomy #livelihoods #provisioning #transitiontowns #capitalism #communityaction #dragonsden #totnes #local #investment
#REconomy #socialeconomy #livelihoods #provisioning #transitiontowns #capitalism #CommunityAction #dragonsden #Totnes #local #investment
The United Nations General Assembly just ratified the first Social and Solidarity Economy resolution
#SolidarityEconomy #ESS #SocialEconomy #SocialSolidarityEconomy #UnitedNations #SustainableDevelopment
#sustainabledevelopment #unitednations #socialsolidarityeconomy #socialeconomy #ess #solidarityeconomy
Este 2023, refrendo mi compromiso para generar desarrollo económico y bienestar social a la comunidad en la que vivo, #TuxtlaGutiérrez 🇲🇽, a través de la #EconomíaSocial
This 2023, I endorse my commitment to generate economic development and social welfare for the community in which I live, #TuxtlaGutiérrez 🇲🇽, through the #SocialEconomy
#tuxtlagutierrez #economiasocial #socialeconomy
Este 2023, refrendo mi compromiso para generar desarrollo económico y bienestar social a la comunidad en la que vivo, #TuxtlaGutiérrez 🇲🇽, a través de la #EconomíaSocial
This 2023, I endorse my commitment to generate economic development and social welfare for the community in which I live, #TuxtlaGutiérrez 🇲🇽, through the #SocialEconomy
#socialeconomy #economiasocial #tuxtlagutierrez
Fireworks: "Many countries in the Global North use the term “social economy”—also known as the third sector—to describe economies run by citizens rather than by state or business actors. Over the years, many Black feminist scholars that we have worked with also share the view that the concept of the “social economy” is limited to a European understanding."
More here:
#solidarityeconomy #socialeconomy
Everyone interested in research on all things #commons related, do check this relatively new research centre at Essex University
@socialenterprise #SocialEconomy
#commons #socialeconomy #cooperative #socialsolidarityeconomy
Responsible Hospitality Institute's Sociable City Summit will be presented Apr. 21-23, 2023 at 360 Madison Avenue in Midtown Manhattan.
#ResponsibleHospitalityInstitute #RHI #SociableCitySummit #JimPeters #AliciaScholer #SocialEconomy #NighttimeEconomy #NightManagers #NighttimeEconomyManagers #Hospitality
#hospitality #nighttimeeconomymanagers #nightmanagers #nighttimeeconomy #socialeconomy #aliciascholer #jimpeters #sociablecitysummit #rhi #responsiblehospitalityinstitute
Acuerdos para la economía local.
En reunión de trabajo con el alcalde Carlos Morales Vázquez presidente del Ayuntamiento Tuxtla Gutiérrez se tomó el acuerdo para declarar el "2023 Año Municipal de la Economía Social" como una de las primeras actividades en este año para la visibilidad y fortalecimiento de este importante sector de la economía, la cual tiene en la empresa #cooperativa a unos de sus principales instrumentos para vincular a personas con actividades productivas con personas que requieren productos o servicios y de esta manera ayudar a generar crecimiento con bienestar social y económico económico en la comunidad.
#TuxtlaGutiérrez Chiapas, México 🇲🇽 es un municipio que ha tomado el liderazgo en el modelo de Nodos de Impulso a la Economía Social y Solidaria a nivel nacional impulsados por el Instituto Nacional de Economía Social INAES_Mx, con estos se han impulsado seis #NODESS y cuatro PreNODESS relacionados a producción, consumo, ahorro y préstamo, todos estos desde los principios, valores y prácticas de la #EconomíaSocial.
Si estás interesado en conocer más sobre este modelo económico acércate a la Secretaría y te asesoramos.
Agreements for the local economy.
In a working meeting with the mayor Carlos Morales Vázquez, president of the Tuxtla Gutiérrez City Council, an agreement was reached to declare the "2023 Municipal Year of the Social Economy" as one of the first activities this year for the visibility and strengthening of this important sector of the economy, which has in the #cooperative company one of its main instruments to link people with productive activities with people who require products or services and in this way help generate growth with social and economic well-being in the community.
#TuxtlaGutiérrez Chiapas, México 🇲🇽 is a municipality that has taken the lead in the model of Impulse Nodes for the Social and Solidarity Economy at the national level promoted by the National Institute of Social Economy INAES_Mx, with these six #NODESS and four PreNODESS related to production, consumption, savings and loans, all of these based on the principles, values and practices of the #SocialEconomy.
If you are interested in learning more about this economic model, come to the Secretariat and we will advise you.
#TuxtlaCompetitive Territory
#cooperativa #tuxtlagutierrez #nodess #economiasocial #tuxtlaterritoriocompetitivo #construyeeconomialocal #inaes #nodesstuxtlagutierrez #cooperative #socialeconomy #tuxtlacompetitive #buildlocaleconomy
I held a meeting with economic secretaries from different municipalities in Chiapas, Mexico 🇲🇽; to present the strategy Impulse Nodes of the Social and Solidarity Economy, a strategy developed by the National Institute of #SocialEconomy, #INAES, which have been implemented to strengthen the Organizations of the Social Sector of the Economy.
In the meeting, the experience of the ten #NODESS models that have been implemented was shared, as well as the process of how to integrate them.
We are happy to announce that #TechSoupEurope has become a member of Social Economy Europe.
Social Economy Europe works to promote the role and values of social economy actors at the #EU level.
We’re honored to become members and look forward to collaborating with Social Economy Europe and its members to advance the #socialeconomy throughout Europe.
#techsoupeurope #eu #socialeconomy #strongertogether
El actual modelo económico basado en el consumo de bienes materiales a través del fomento al consumos, está comprometiendo el medio ambiente del planeta 🌎 y con ello el presente y futuro de los que vivimos en las comunidades y en el mundo.
El reto, desvincular el crecimiento económico 📈y el uso del carbono 🪨, basado en la producción ilimitada en aras de generar utilidades económicas para los dueños y socios de empresas.
Un modelo es la #EconomíaSocial a través de la empresa cooperativa, la cual tiene como principios, valores y prácticas empresariales el espera a la persona 👪 y al medio ambiente 🌿
The current economic model based on the consumption of material goods through the promotion of consumption is compromising the planet's environment 🌎 and with it the present and future of those of us who live in communities and in the world.
The challenge, to unlink economic growth 📈 and the use of carbon 🪨, based on unlimited production in order to generate economic profits for business owners and partners.
One model is the #SocialEconomy through the cooperative company, which has as principles, values and business practices that it waits for the person 👪 and the environment 🌿
#economiasocial #socialeconomy
Excellent to see that the #EuropeanCommission is engaging more with proposals for the #SocialEconomy. As Toby says "What we have is the Commission using its “power of convening” to focus attention on what the social economy can do for the world. Plenty of people want to be part of this, and the Commission has the means and reach to multiply our efforts. Bravo."
#europeancommission #socialeconomy
If you are interested in #SocialEnterprise or #SocialEconomy please connect with me!
#socialenterprise #socialeconomy
Création de Social Economy News
Connais-tu #CIRIEC, c'est peut-être un contact utile pour vous:
CIRIEC = International Centre of Research and Information on the Public, Social and Cooperative Economy.
Ils tiennent actuellement une conférence internationale à Bucharest: 7th Research Conference on #SocialEconomy.
#ciriec #socialeconomy #solidarity #cooperatives #cooperativestudies
#introduction Very involved in hosting private #Loomio group exploring 'Making the #SocialEconomy' round work of #economist cooperator #RobinMurray (founder #fairtrade pioneer Twin Trading, early advocate #zerowaste). I see the project as #P2P #commons post-extractive #LibertarianSocialist, not everyone in the group does - some are radical centrists, into social innovation.
#PlatformCoop #SocialCoop #TransformativeSocialInnovation #loomio
I live in #brighton, remember the Unicorn Bookshop.
#introduction #loomio #socialeconomy #economist #robinmurray #fairtrade #zerowaste #p2p #commons #libertariansocialist #platformcoop #socialcoop #transformativesocialinnovation #brighton