RT Lawrence Meredith 🇪🇺
East 🤝 South
Great to see a lively exchange across 🇪🇺 neighbourhoods on using social entrepreneurship to drive positive change
More about 🇪🇺-funded
<div class="rsshub-quote">
EVPA: Meet the neighbours! At our #Collaborate4Impact conference in Tbilisi last week, we brought together impact leader from central and eastern Europe and Middle East and north Africa with EU policy makers for 2 days of building #socialentrepreneurship & #impactinvesting https://t.co/LxUMqX4Q8Q
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/LMeredithEU/status/1676545379679059968
#Collaborate4lmpact #Collaborate4Impact #socialentrepreneurship #impactinvesting
auf unserem #Twitter-Kanal (#mastodon kann leider nur kurze Videos):
Was ist WE AID und was können wir für Euch tun?
Das ganze Video hier (auch ohne Twitter-Accunt sichtbar):
👍🎥⏯ https://twitter.com/yesWEAID/status/1675912126815252487
Und hier gibt´s mehr zu WE AID:
💛⏯ https://www.WE-AID.org
Und jetzt? Sprecht mit uns, startet Eure eigene Initiative - gleich heute.
#yesWEAID #emergencyaid #humanitarian #theglobalgoals #nonprofit #ondemand #fundraising #GutesTun #socialentrepreneurship #startup #founder #news
#News #founder #startup #socialentrepreneurship #gutestun #fundraising #ondemand #NonProfit #theglobalgoals #humanitarian #EmergencyAid #yesweaid #Mastodon #Twitter #newvideo
RT @BoellStiftung: Empfehlung für's Wochenende: Systemwandel statt #Frauenförderung
Weibliches Unternehmertum stärkt eine gerechtere Marktwirtschaft, denn Frauen führen in #GreenEconomy & #SocialEntrepreneurship.
🎙️ mit @AlexandraGeese Gergana Stancheva & Camila Rodrigues
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/AlexandraGeese/status/1659577577361506304
#Frauenförderung #GreenEconomy #socialentrepreneurship
“A seed hidden in the heart of an apple is an #orchard invisible.”
Welsh #proverb
Let´s plant #seeds of #hope AND #relief with
through #humanitarianwork for any of #TheGlobalGoals
#yesWEAID #humanitarian #disasteraid #emergencyaid #socialimpact #socialentrepreneurship #biz #kindness #empathy #news
#News #empathy #kindness #biz #socialentrepreneurship #socialimpact #EmergencyAid #disasteraid #humanitarian #yesweaid #theglobalgoals #humanitarianwork #relief #hope #seeds #proverb #orchard #quoteoftheday
How can we shift away destructive, extractive hierarchies, towards a world where everyone brings the best of themselves and embraces and celebrates the best in other people?
#Accidentalgods #podcast w
#WednesdayMorning #RegenerativeFuture
#Community #CommunityOrganising #SocialEntrepreneurship
#socialentrepreneurship #communityorganising #community #regenerativefuture #wednesdaymorning #podcast #accidentalgods
Erlebt die Zukunft von StartUpSH Die jungen Teams der Prototypingweek #ptw23 zeigen Euch, wie unsere Zukunft auf der Grundlage ihrer Prototypen aussehen wird. Die Teams hatten fünf Tage Zeit mit unseren Coaches, Mentor:innen, und Hilfe von #chatGPT, #Rapidprototyping, #BusinessModelling, #DesignThinking, #SocialEntrepreneurship und vielem mehr Prototypen aus ihren Ideen zu machen. Meldet Euch jetzt kostenlos an: https://ptw23final.eventbrite.de/?aff=mastodon
#ptw23 #chatgpt #rapidprototyping #BusinessModelling #designthinking #socialentrepreneurship
“We are here at #dld23 rebuilding the destroyed city of Palmyra, Syria” @ZaidZaim2k@twitter.com @kafrischen@twitter.com @AshokaUS@twitter.com #techandhumanity #socialentrepreneurship
#dld23 #techandhumanity #socialentrepreneurship
Publication alert! Our paper on social entrepreneurial competences of civically-engaged students is now available for free until February 18, 2023 ➡️ https://authors.elsevier.com/c/1gL655EuEpWioo
The study is part of Michael Wihlenda's PhD @WorldCitizenSCH #managementeducation
#managementeducation #socialentrepreneurship
Parikrma Humanity Foundation, an education non-profit in Bangalore, stands out by focusing on quality first and addressing 4 pillars: Education, Nutrition, Health Care, and Family Care. All of this creates a holistic support system titled the Circle of Life.
#education #nonprofits #socialentrepreneurship
#socialentrepreneurship #nonprofits #education
Led by a blind man, the Bless Society Of Rural and Urban Development now houses 28 disabled teenage blind girls, providing education, housing, and vocational training. Check out their incredible initiative:
#bangalorestartups #socialentrepreneurship #education
Many Indian rural & tribal artisans go under appreciated and end up in tiring jobs as rickshaw drivers or in house service. However, Tamaala is creating new opportunities by featuring artist work as high quality merchandise. Check out their beautiful work:
#socialentrepreneurship #bangalorejobs #artist
RT @SocialTech4EU: 👉A friendly reminder to all #SocialEnterprises! We are looking for your challenges and needs when it comes to #innovation.
Please find the survey here 💻: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/SocialTech4EU
⏱Deadline: 15 December
#Euroclusters #ECCP #SocialEntrepreneurship
#SocialEnterprises #innovation #EUROclusters #ECCP #socialentrepreneurship
It was a pleasure to present to colleagues from Kyiv National Economics University this morning. A great conference on social entrepreneurship: Today's challenges and a look into the future.
I shared my work on entrepreneurship in education & discussed collaborative opportunities for the future. I also expressed my solidarity with these academics and scholars who continue to provide world-class education and research under incredibly challenging circumstances.
#education #socialentrepreneurship
Here is the link: https://hr.em-lyon.com/fr/job/faculte-fr/1157-professeur-en-durabilite-entrepreneuriat-social-fr/
emlyon is an interesting place to work. It's a société à mission and an upstart in the world of sustainability-focused business schools.
Social scientists everywhere, check it out!
#hiring #faculty #Soctwitter #businessschool #sustainability #climate #socialentrepreneurship #socialinnovation #academicjobs #teaching
#hiring #faculty #soctwitter #businessschool #sustainability #climate #socialentrepreneurship #socialinnovation #academicjobs #teaching
RT @SkollCentre@twitter.com
Social entrepreneurship - what is it & why is everyone talking about it? To mark the beginning of #GEW2022, here's the @SkollCentre@twitter.com's take on what #SocialEntrepreneurship is! We also explain the three different types of #SocialEntrepreneur @unleashingideas@twitter.com 🌱
#SocialEntrepreneur #socialentrepreneurship #gew2022
@Schorsch_T ne, ist nicht neu, besteht schon länger. Aber ich nutze es sehr selten... Vernetzung von Menschen im Kontext von #socialentrepreneurship und Co.
RT @_socialstartups
Der Fall @_LemonAid könnte das werden, woran sich die Politik messen lassen muss.
@junaschoenborn/@junaimnetz wirft einen Blick auf die kuriose Geschichte.
#socent #socialentrepreneurship #gemeinsamwirken #amtlichwaskippen #lemonaid @SEND_ev
#socent #socialentrepreneurship #gemeinsamwirken #amtlichwaskippen #lemonaid
▶️ #InfoMonday: How to measure the success of a #social enterprise? In our latest blog post, we focus on the topic of #SocialEntrepreneurship. Read the full #blog article at: https://www.vioffice.de/blog/social-entrepreneurship/ 🇬🇧🇩🇪
#InfoMonday #social #socialentrepreneurship #blog
Weekly Update 📰
▶️ #InfoMonday: Is ViOffice a #Social Enterprise? In our latest #blog post, we focus on the topic of #SocialEntrepreneurship. Besides some explanations, we discuss our own role in the context. Read the full #blog article at: https://www.vioffice.de/blog/social-entrepreneurship/ 💚
#InfoMonday #social #blog #socialentrepreneurship