I feel like I've made some big strides with #ConsensusChess over the past couple of days...
Here's a screenshot of the prototype, with the image description showing. I'm hoping to talk to some blind chess players or people who use assistive technology soon. I'd really like this to be a welcoming and fun game to play, whatever your needs 🤞
You can read more about it here: https://instantiator.dev/post/consensus-games/
#Chess #a11y #accessibility #IndieDev #GameDev #SocialGames #noxp
#consensuschess #chess #a11y #accessibility #indiedev #gamedev #socialgames #noxp
Zynga faces class action suit over massive Words With Friends hack - It's charging subpar password security and lousy user notification: Zynga has yet to notify users ... more: https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2020/03/05/zynga-faces-class-action-suit-over-massive-words-with-friends-hack/ #wordswithfriends #securitythreats #gnosticplayers #drawsomething #classaction #onlinegames #socialgames #databreach #law&order #passwords #dataloss #privacy #hashing #lawsuit #salting #breach #sha-1
#sha #breach #salting #lawsuit #hashing #privacy #dataloss #passwords #law #databreach #socialgames #onlinegames #classaction #drawsomething #gnosticplayers #securitythreats #wordswithfriends