@q Which reminds me how fucked up and fundamentally broken #SSL is and that the entire #RentSeeking businesses of #CA's must be abolished.
Instead of @letsencrypt, we should've pushed for #CAcert since the latter one actually does #DueDiligence and is harder to penetrate or even abuse than getting an EV-SSL - cert fraudulently via #SocialHacking...
#socialhacking #duediligence #cacert #ca #rentSeeking #ssl
AI-powered phishing: Chatbot hazard or hot air? https://readme.security/ai-powered-phishing-chatbot-hazard-or-hot-air-654cfdc8cd11 #socialhacking #phishing #ai #chatbot
#socialhacking #phishing #ai #chatbot
@aaronpettman Ah, another case of social hacking. Seems to be the most succesful method these days. How can Uber employees be so untrained? Well done, anyways. And good, when hacking exposes such obvious lacks of care.
Sicherheitslücke in verlorenen AirTags kann für Fishing-Angriff genutzt werden
📱 #Shaarli💫 #socialhacking mit #airtags und #Apple ist so #geizig bei ihrem #BugBountyProgram #why
#why #bugbountyprogram #geizig #apple #airtags #socialhacking #shaarli
Je crois que ça peut être très drôle de leur défoncer leur sondage à la con ! (que tu sois LFI ou pas !)
Via @dendir_35
#socialhacking #lol #lefigaro #sondage
@sebsauvage @kvuilleumier Du #socialHacking en somme ! Un tel détournement n'est pas vraiment lié au #rgpd du coup/ en fait !