Read our briefing paper on the links between mental health and access to nature.
#mentalhealth #greenery #accesstonature #outdoors #urbandesign #socialjustice #smartcities #healthycities #equalityofaccess #communitygardens #greenurbanspaces #socialhorticulture #socialinclusion
#mentalhealth #greenery #accesstonature #outdoors #urbandesign #socialjustice #smartcities #healthycities #equalityofaccess #CommunityGardens #greenurbanspaces #socialhorticulture #socialinclusion
Have a look at this video, to see why we are so proud of the GLAS #communitygarden in Ballymun:
#communitygarden #Ballymun #dublin #socialhorticulture
How do community gardens contribute to the SDGs?
#communitygarden #vegetables #community #regenerative #urban #socialhorticulture #SDGs #globalgoals #sustainabledevelopment
#communitygarden #vegetables #community #regenerative #urban #socialhorticulture #sdgs #globalgoals #sustainabledevelopment
We are delighted to announce that, in partnership with Fingal County Council and TU Dublin,
we will be opening a new #communitygarden in Dublin 15.
This GLAS garden, based on the successful model set up in #Ballymun, will be a space where people get to meet & share, discover new skills & reconnect with nature & with each other.
#Blanchardstown #Dublin #community #greenliving #socialhorticulture #Ireland #workingtogether
#communitygarden #Ballymun #blanchardstown #dublin #community #greenliving #socialhorticulture #ireland #workingtogether