Social Income · @socialincome
4 followers · 2 posts · Server

Entwickler:innen von Social Income trafen sich zu einem Social Coding Weekend 💻 in der höchstgelegenen Stadt Europas: La Chaux-de-Fonds, Schweiz.

Es war eine grossartige Gelegenheit um neue Ideen auszutauschen und an unseren digitalen Tools zu arbeiten.

#tech4good #teambuilding #endpoverty #socialincome #OpenSource

Last updated 2 years ago

Social Income · @socialincome
1 followers · 1 posts · Server

It's been an excellent year for Social Income and we are grateful to everyone who helped us in our fight against poverty. 🥳

With the goal to support more and more people in Sierra Leone, we wish you all a great 2023! 🎆

👉 Remember you can access most of our data in real time on our transparency page:


#socialincome #basicincome #ubi #donate #impact #Solidarity #cashtransfers #transparency

Last updated 2 years ago

Victor Serri · @_ittos_
207 followers · 9157 posts · Server

Home, si instaurem el comunisme i en lloc de deixar a algú que deixi el 1% de sou, però pengem els rics potser tenim més pasta i menys feina...


Social Income is an innovative way to fight poverty.

How many people can you lift out of poverty with just 1% of your salary?


#basicincome #inequality #solidarity #charity #endpoverty #innovation #socialincome

Last updated 3 years ago