Let's see. Can I boil down what I toot and boost about into a series of hash tags? I know of some who do that really well. But every time I make my bio list, I feel like I'm always missing something.
#Disability #Accessibility #AssistiveTech #UX #inclusion #SocialInequities #MentalHealth #Neurodivergent #USNews #WorldNews #CurrentEvents #Denver #Autism #mecfs #queer #lgbtq #food #cults #Consent #Writing #FunnyQuotes
That's not an exhaustive list. Nor does it cover all of the hash tags I follow. But, it's a start.
#disability #accessibility #assistivetech #ux #inclusion #socialinequities #mentalhealth #neurodivergent #usnews #worldnews #currentevents #denver #autism #mecfs #queer #lgbtq #food #cults #consent #writing #funnyquotes