Honey bee and wasp nests: how to know the difference https://www.honeybeesuite.com/honey-bee-and-wasp-nests-how-to-know-the-difference/ #socialinsects #solitarywasps #solitarybees #waspnests #waxcombs #wasps
#socialinsects #solitarywasps #solitarybees #waspnests #waxcombs #wasps
RT @GrmpyNaturalist@twitter.com
Random question, but do any #entomology folks have a picture of #termites engaging in proctodeal trophallaxis (aka eating from each other's butts)?
I need it for an illustration reference. (Yes, this is totally normal. Nothing to see here.)
#bugtwitter #socialinsects #ento
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/GrmpyNaturalist/status/1610756975968587781
#entomology #termites #bugtwitter #socialinsects #ento
Insects and us: a mind-blowing 20 quadrillion ants and what they mean for the planet
This week I got to hang out with some famous #socialinsects, these leaf-cutter ants #entomology #symbiosis 😍
#socialinsects #entomology #symbiosis
"La transferencia intergeneracional de riqueza material está muy extendida en animales desde insectos sociales y peces a carnívoros y primates, q transfieren estructuras construidas, territorios y herramientas de una generación a otra, perpetuando la desigualdad y el privilegio”.
RT @JennSmithSocBeh
Intergenerational transfer of material wealth is widespread from #socialinsects and #fish to #carnivores and #primates who transfe…
#socialinsects #fish #carnivores #primates
I look forward to meeting european #socialInsects #scientists and presenting my research project !