There is now a #SocialEnterprise Group on Mastodon, so please do follow @socialenterprise
And please boost 😃
#socialenterprise #socialbusiness #socialinnovation #bcorps #benefitcorporation #communityeconomies #communitybusiness #cooperative #cooperatives #coops #nonprofit #mutualaid #impact #SocialFinance #socialinvestment #philanthropy #venturephilanthropy
We've signed up to the Diversity Forum's manifesto for #SocialInvestment - ensuring that when we invest in #SocialEnterprises and trading #Charities that we ensure resources get to the people who are more likely to experience marginalisation
#socialinvestment #socialenterprises #charities
This new vision of investment in the world’s children might be able to start if we discussed how essential the ages 3 to 6 were for life—all of life. To that the end, I recommend that we start with a list of what we dream of children becoming by age 7, at the end of their early childhood years, at the point where they become active agents in the larger world. #earlychildhood #humanbeings #secondwomb #socialinvestment #transformation #homosapiens #hrhdutchessofcambridge #dutchessofcambridge
#dutchessofcambridge #hrhdutchessofcambridge #homosapiens #transformation #socialinvestment #secondwomb #humanbeings #earlychildhood
We might be able to discover a better path for human ingenuity if we actually could spend time—enabled by unencumbered resources—discovering what optimizes experiences for young humans and those who tend to them. #society #humanbeings #earlychildhood #secondwomb #socialinvestment #transformation #ece #education #homosapiens #earlylearning
#earlylearning #homosapiens #education #ECE #transformation #socialinvestment #secondwomb #earlychildhood #humanbeings #society
growth? If we think of how dedicated we become as parents from conception to the age when children walk and start talking, could we imagine our community dedicating resources and making commitments to lead and care for all children until they reach the age for common school. It could alter how human beings care for ecosystems that keep life on this planet. #earlylearning #earlychildhood #commongood #transformation #homosapiens #ece #education #socialinvestment #children #humanbeings
#humanbeings #children #socialinvestment #education #ECE #homosapiens #transformation #commongood #earlychildhood #earlylearning
If we think of how dedicated we become as parents from conception to the age when children walk and start talking, could we imagine our community dedicating resources and making commitments to lead and care for all children until they reach the age for common school. It could alter how human beings care for ecosystems that keep life on this planet. #homosapiens #earlylearning #earlychildhood #socialinvestment #commongood #childhood #transformation #ece #preschool
#preschool #ECE #transformation #childhood #commongood #socialinvestment #earlychildhood #earlylearning #homosapiens
Could we ever evolve a view of children and childhood before age 6 or 7 as an essential subsequent, equally nourishing, social womb for optimizing these first years of human growth? If we think of how dedicated we become as parents from conception to the age when children walk and start talking, could we imagine our community dedicating resources and making a commitment? #earlylearning #earlychildhood #transformation #homosapiens #secondwomb #preschool #ece #education #socialinvestment
#socialinvestment #education #ECE #preschool #secondwomb #homosapiens #transformation #earlychildhood #earlylearning
The time is now for a broad international movement to deconstruct system that has starved and constrained societal efforts to invest in the early education of young children and to alter the power structures that constrain human beings from participating in the social institutions that care for and educate young children and their families. #education # earlychildhood #children #preschool #care #socialinvestment #youngchildren #aspirations #homosapiens #transformation #growth #humancapabilities
#humancapabilities #growth #transformation #homosapiens #aspirations #youngchildren #socialinvestment #care #preschool #children #education
instead of an Annual Review for 2022 we've produced a Prospectus for 2023
even during times like these... well, *especially* during times like these, it's important that organisations involved in #SocialInnovation look to the future.
Building on our existing projects, these are the areas we're planning to develop work in during the economic crisis over the next two years
#socialinnovation #socialinvestment #socialenterprise #inclusiveeconomy
we've a new video case study from local organisation Highway Hope. They used #SocialInvestment from us to increase their trading develop 50 new lines of stock in a community food store - targeted at a growing African community locally.
#socialinvestment #socialenterprise
If you happen to run, or know of, a #SocialEnterprise in #Bolton #Oldham #Stockport or #Wigan and need, let's say up to £350k of #SocialInvestment to improve #EnergyEfficiency or accessibility of a building then we can help with that
#socialenterprise #bolton #Oldham #stockport #Wigan #socialinvestment #EnergyEfficiency
Time for a quick #introduction. I’m a #Labour councillor for #GreatHarwood in #Hyndburn, #Lancashire and Shadow Member for #LevellingUp. Outside of that I work in #socialinvestment for a housing association, working with #community projects looking at issues such as #foodsecurity #employability , #mentalhealth , #digitalinclusion and #wellbeing. When I’m not doing any of that, I’m a #ukulele player, sometimes do a bit of acting, write #poetry and am writing my first play. Loving #Mastodon!
#mastodon #poetry #ukulele #wellbeing #digitalinclusion #mentalhealth #Employability #foodsecurity #community #socialinvestment #Levellingup #lancashire #hyndburn #greatharwood #labour #introduction
"Both well-being and social investment are data-driven attempts to measure how well a given programme scores on multiple domains important for people’s happiness. Well-being spreads its net wider (100-plus indicators and counting), while social investment is better at modelling costs and benefits. Well-being offers a more holistic goal, social investment a sharper idea of how to get there."
#nzpolitics #socialinvestment #PublicSpending