These last few days i have been watching some of the videos from #Socialism2023. Some of it was interesting, like the panel on carceral sanity. But most of it was trying to sell books. And then there was Naomi Klein, who in one sentence said she still believed in the Green New Deal and Bernie Sanders, in other words reformist or #greenwashing stuff, and in the next seemed to say that we need an insurrection!? Uhm. And oh, she was also selling her latest book (which i will read, it sounds quite relevant).
I am definitely not a socialist.
But. The conference had a state of the art #COVID19-policy. And comparing this to some recent anarchist conferences and festivals made me despair yet again.
It has to be stated again and again, the #anarchist scene has glamorously failed and keeps failing during the ongoing pandemic and is therefore not the scene to be involved in as we enter the age of the pandemics.
Yes, COVID is not the last pandemic, far from it. In fact, COVID has even weakened our immune systems in such a fundamental way, that it opened the door even wider for future pandemics.
The ableist even eugenic turn i had to witness and even experience among people claiming to believe in #anarchy has been the biggest disappointment in my life. So far.
Get a fucking grip.
Let us build robust and radical communal care structures.
Mutual aid needs to be a praxis or fuck off.
Abolish the family.
#socialism2023 #greenwashing #COVID19 #Anarchist #anarchy
Can't be in Chicago this weekend? No worries! The Haymarket Books channel is streaming panels from #Socialism2023 between today and Monday. Enjoy!
Is anyone at #Socialism2023 in #Chicago? The in-person speaker schedule looked great. I wasn’t as inspired by the virtual conference program, but I’ll take another look: it starts tomorrow. More #socialists are considering “non-reformist reforms”, such as #PublicBanking and #ParticipatoryBudgeting and even —gasp! — #Cooperatives. Cheers to the #SolidarityEconomy and all the ways we can do #PeopleCare and #FutureCare and #EarthCare. #Love #BoundlessRegenerativeCulture #permaculture
#socialism2023 #chicago #socialists #publicbanking #participatorybudgeting #cooperatives #solidarityeconomy #PeopleCare #futurecare #earthcare #love #BoundlessRegenerativeCulture #permaculture
Planning on traveling to #Chicago (I already have reasons to be there and I was last there briefly in 2009) for the #Socialism2023 conference the first week in September. I look forward to some of the speakings like Robin DG Kelley, and Naomi Klein.
I live right next to a #Burgerville in #Portland (#pdx) that's unionized with the #IWW. May Day was the expiration of their contract and the picket and boycott are back on. I worked for a #union in college (#AFSCME Local 3299 in the #UC system). I'd like to get more involved both in my personal education, my ability to eventually teach #sociology at the community college level.
I have rarely been at socialist events. The last was a Repeal the 8th event in #Dublin. I was once in a socialist organization and I miss aspects of it, though it's more filled with lessons than actual effective organizing.
#DSA #socialism #socialist #conference #labor #Marxism #anarchism #organizing
#chicago #socialism2023 #Burgerville #Portland #pdx #IWW #union #afscme #uc #sociology #dublin #dsa #socialism #socialist #conference #labor #marxism #anarchism #Organizing
Stealing from the homeless is fascism.
#fucktherepubliklanparty #fucktheusa #noexploitation #DeathToImperialism #stoptrump #deathtofascism #socialism2023
Nobody is a failure.
The capitalist system is designed to fail.
#socialism2023 #fuckexploitation
The party of the working class, minorities, and the environment has officially become the party of neo-cons. This is the main reason I'm not a democrat anymore. The dnc has prioritized a $858 billion dollar defense budget funding imperialism instead of social protections, and environmental sustainability.
Meanwhile the republican party is as far right as ever, and having a civil war over trumpism/neo-fascism and Goldwateresque conservativism.
That's why I'm a firm believer in the Democratic Socialists of America, Socialist Alternative, and the IWW. The US needs a new real left to bring it back to social democracy, and ultimately to the sustainable path of socialism.
#Unionize #organize #boycott #priorityhumanity #socialism2023
The capitalist system teaches us to view each other as objects that are to be used and disposed of for our own benefit.
When in reality no human is a tool, and all have value no matter what they have financially.
In a socialist society the focus is on need, and collective well being for all of humanity.
" From each according to their ability, to each according to their need .",was the hallmark of ancient human society.
We must return. #socialism2023
Focusing production on human need rather than a sales goal is instantly more efficient.
It also reduces waste because the focus of production is on human need instead of a guess.
This also winds of being much easier on the environment, and less trashy.