The GOP tries to scare Americans with their talk about socialism, like its worse than fascism, which it isn't. So many things we count on each day are socialist. Our country wouldn't work with out socialism--where would the roads be, or the firemen, or the food inspectors, or the public transit or the water, or the sewage systems or the schools or the regulations that keep companies from poisoning us or robbing us? Rich people hate socialism because they have to contribute to the society that they exploit to get rich. The average person needs social services/socialism to live. Don't buy into the GOP and their obscenely wealthy donors B.S. about socialism. They've been lying about this for decades now and their base keeps buying it!
When Republicans rant about ‘socialism,’ remember the Affordable Care Act
“All of this amounts to a historic achievement. Not only did the ACA survive multiple attempts by Republicans to repeal the law and reduce outreach, but it also managed to drive down uninsured rate to a record low of 8 percent last year. That’s in large part because of the Biden administration’s competent management of the program and extension of subsidies over united GOP opposition.
The next time Republicans rant about “socialism,” Democrats should remind them and all Americans about the Affordable Care Act. For years, Republicans denounced the law as “socialist,” yet red-state Americans have been using it at higher rates than blue-state residents. Watch red-state Americans similarly benefit from other government programs that Republican politicians whine about, such as government price controls on prescription drugs and subsidies to help transition to green energy.
Indeed, Democrats should highlight their successes where Republicans have fought against expanding access to health care. Florida, for example, has refused to expand Medicaid under the ACA, leading to its 12 percent uninsured rate.
And that’s about to get even worse: Once the federal government’s covid-19 national emergency ends, so too will pandemic-era policies designed to keep people enrolled in Medicaid continuously. So unless governors act, more people will lose Medicaid coverage. While other governors are scrambling to minimize coverage losses, Florida’s Ron DeSantis has a plan that could kick as many as 1.75 million residents off Medicaid. No wonder DeSantis wants to talk about “wokeism”; his actual record on issues people care most about is putrid.
The lesson of the ACA is clear: With competent leaders, government policies can help Americans. As Republicans vote against these measures and scream “socialism!” — all while claiming the banner of economic populism — Democrats would do well to remind the country which party actually helps ordinary people.”
#gopinbedwiththerich #gophatesavgamericans #therichhateavgamericans #socialism4mecapitalism4thee