¿what if I told you? he is Troll_Wolf the likes of which lives under the Same_Bridge wherein ye lay, the Same_Bridge you are indeed Burning:
#go_amero #socialism_now #legalize_it #enmarcado_de_0r0 #vive_l
¿what if I told you? the Illuminati does not know Psalm 139:11 precisely because; true to Form: they have Behaved as Greeks Behave when in Rome: in other words they Let their Detectives play with FlashLights only to Taunt the very Same_Missing_Children they are Supposedly looking for as their Cohorts Wage a War on Drugs:
#treason #korrupt #laredesded #truthful_exactitudes #false_prophets #socialism_now
¿what if I told you? this is what Happens when you Pursue Money for Drugs: this is what Happens when you Abuse_Drugs:
#republicans_r_4_shit #socialism_now #ubi
¿what if I told you? America is Sick & Tired of the Confederate_Rapatista_Apologists explaining why there is Still Blood_in_the_Streets
#confederate #narco_treason #narco_terrorists #made_in_war #socialism_now #go_amero
¿what if I told you? If you released all the Non_Violent_Offenders from Prison the Highways and Byways would soon be Laced with a Menagerie of Colors from Flowering_Bulbs
I understand N.Y.C. has tried everything in regards to legalisation of drugs: have they tried bartering the Sewer_Rat to Leviathan?
¿what if I told you? ¶this is the Way; (Means_Jihad)
The Vatican Can_Kill Me Now or Forever Hold their Piece: 😉 Grrrrrrr
#colombia_is_eco_terrorist #your_cocaine_is_racist #socialism_now #五果flit
ShouldKnow: #Socialism_Now #UBI