Some #GoodNews! Michigan appears set to repeal its #RightToWorkForLess law! This is excellent for #EconomicJustice, the #WorkingClass and #unions.
Lately, anytime I need a reminder that things aren't all bad, I've been looking to the #LaborMovement. From successful Starbucks unions being organized across the country to this step forward in Michigan, there seems to be a sudden interest in workplace organizing, and it's encouraging that workers are coming together to defend themselves again exploitative bosses and our oppressive economic system.
Source: WILX, "Michigan Senate Passes Right-to-Work Repeal:"
#RightToWork #DemocraticSocialism #SocialismOrBarbarism #BreadAndRoses #SolidarityForever #Michigan
#goodnews #righttoworkforless #economicjustice #workingclass #unions #labormovement #righttowork #democraticsocialism #socialismorbarbarism #breadandroses #solidarityforever #michigan
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#FocusedonInfinity #LoganGrendel #preppingforthepeople #leftistprepper #fightthepower #directaction #riseup #capitalismkills #nomorewar #socialismorbarbarism #blackcreators #witchesofinstagram #dualpower #witchesagainstwhitesupremacy #linkinbio #leftist #abolition #solidarity #fasciststatesofamerica #strike #boycott #generalstrike #boycottamazon #nowarbutclasswar #mutualaid #classwar
#FocusedonInfinity #LoganGrendel #preppingforthepeople #leftistprepper #fightthepower #DirectAction #riseup #capitalismkills #NoMoreWar #socialismorbarbarism #blackcreators #witchesofinstagram #dualpower #witchesagainstwhitesupremacy #linkinbio #leftist #abolition #solidarity #fasciststatesofamerica #strike #boycott #generalstrike #boycottamazon #nowarbutclasswar #MutualAid #classwar
"They have been told all their lives that their lives are solely their 'individual responsibility'—so it’s hardly a surprise. But their self-punishment is just mimicking the systems which make them feel worthless and powerless...It is not their fault, their choice, to live through times like these. It’s not their choice to be surviving a pandemic, a mass extinction, a planet dying, economies failing, taking it day by day."
From Umair Haque's Medium blog post, "Don't Tear Yourself Down Just Because the World Is Falling Apart:"
#pandemic #covid #ClimateChange #ClimateCollapse #ClimateApocalypse #Fascism #SystemisCollapse #Inequality #Poverty #Capitalism #Depression #MentalHealth #SocialismOrBarbarism
#pandemic #covid #climatechange #climatecollapse #climateapocalypse #fascism #systemiscollapse #inequality #poverty #capitalism #depression #mentalhealth #socialismorbarbarism
We should refuse to forget what it was like to be in the streets in 2020, when we were dancing and singing, masked in #solidarity, bravely staring down the repressive state. We were beautiful and powerful. We stopped a #fascist regime and protected our semblance of #democracy. We took care of each other through #mutualaid. I have to believe that we can find that imagination and that courage again. #anotherworldispossible #socialismorbarbarism
#solidarity #fascist #democracy #mutualaid #anotherworldispossible #socialismorbarbarism
(3/3) I can't put into word the level of abject disgust I feel towards this man, #RichardDrax and the #BritishConservativeParty I have included a photo here in case you happen to come across this bourgeois piece of human skin. If he was on fire, I wouldn't piss on him to put out.
#SocialismOrBarbarism #EatTheRich
#richarddrax #britishconservativeparty #socialismorbarbarism #EatTheRich
This is a photo of Tony Blair and Bill Clinton in May 2022 at the Crypto Bahamas event in Nassau with Bankman-Fried, a #CryptoBro and big time #DemocraticParty donner. His FTX #cryptocurrencyexchange just went bankrupt.
New Labour and The Democratic party are simply corporatist parties committed to the neo-liberal project of maintaining it's stays quo. Fuck neo-liberals, :obey: Centrist ain't your friend. #SocialismOrBarbarism #CapltalismRealism #TonyBlair #TheyLive
#cryptobro #democraticparty #cryptocurrencyexchange #socialismorbarbarism #CapltalismRealism #TonyBlair #theylive
Let's break vegan diet.
All profit is theft.
#RentStrike #ACAB #TaxTheRich
#GeneralStrike #ResistCapitalism #ClimateStrike
#Antifa #Resistance #NoPeaceNoJustice #ClassWar
#NoWarButClassWar #EndStageCapitalism #PeopleOverProfit #SocialismorBarbarism #Rebel
#rebel #socialismorbarbarism #peopleoverprofit #EndStageCapitalism #nowarbutclasswar #classwar #nopeacenojustice #resistance #Antifa #ClimateStrike #resistcapitalism #generalstrike #taxtherich #ACAB #rentstrike #EndTheOligarchy #capitalismkills #EatTheRich
லக்சம்பர்க் “உலக கம்யூனிஸ்ட்டுகளின் நினைவில் நேசத்திற்குரியவராக இருப்பார். அவருடைய வாழ்க்கை வரலாறும் அவரின் நூல்களும் கம்யூனிஸ்ட்டுகளின் பல தலைமுறைகளுக்கான கல்வியில் மிகப் பயன்மிக்க பாடமாக அமையும்” - தோழர் வி.லெனின் #RosaLuxemburg #150thBirthAnniversary #SocialismOrBarbarism
#rosaluxemburg #150thBirthAnniversary #socialismorbarbarism
முதலாளித்துவ சமூகம் நமக்கு எதிராக இருக்கிறது, ஒன்று சோஷலிசத்துக்கு நாம் முன்னேற வேண்டும், இல்லையேல் அநாகரிக சமூகத்துக்குப் பின்செல்ல வேண்டியிருக்கும் - தோழர் ரோசா லக்சம்பர்க் 150வது பிறந்த நாள் இன்று... #RosaLuxemburg #Rosa150 #150thBirthAnniversary #SocialismOrBarbarism
#rosaluxemburg #Rosa150 #150thBirthAnniversary #socialismorbarbarism
I cannot but admire these folks of the Communist Party in fucking *USA*, the most anti-communist country on earth, where people have been adoctrinated since forever that communism is satan (as if satan or communism were bad things).
Joining is free. Get the card that strikes fear into the heart of the imperialist bourgeoisie!
We are not "consumers"
We are patients.
#socialismorbarbarism #medicareforall #covid19