Ok. It's #confession time.
I'm a #TransVax
"I am not actually vaccinated but I identify as someone who is vaccinated." aka #TransVaccinated
✊ #notmetoo #DontBeAVictim
#confession #TransVax #TransVaccinated #notmetoo #DontBeAVictim #socialisolationkills
Interestingly terrifying!
Coronavirus Bill (HC Bill 122)
#DontBeAVictim #socialisolationkills
Congratulations #Scotland - you now have "a legal responsibility to stay at home" #DontBeAVictim #SocialIsolationKills
#scotland #DontBeAVictim #socialisolationkills
"This is the greatest public health fiasco in the history of the world, and the media has distorted it so badly, that much of the general public is celebrating villains and hissing at heroes. And, even — perversely enough — celebrating the destruction of their own lives and their children's lives."
Extract from: The Covid Cult by Thomas E. Woods Jnr.
#DontBeAVictim #socialisolationkills
#Torture – psychological interrogation techniques | DW Documentary
#torture #socialisolationkills #DontBeAVictim
No al toque de queda / no curfew
Anoche en Órgiva / last night in Órgiva
#DontBeAVictim #socialisolationkills
Official: #covid beats #flu, says #WHO #WTF
#DontBeAVictim #WearYourMuzzle
#socialisolationkills #resistanceisfertile
#covid #flu #who #wtf #DontBeAVictim #WearYourMuzzle #socialisolationkills #resistanceisfertile
@anarchiv now, I'm sure that's non-covid compliant!?! :-P #dontbeavictim
#DontBeAVictim #socialisolationkills
Welcome to the Corona Thymes!
#DontBeAVictim #socialisolationkills
#DontBeAVictim #socialisolationkills
Really? #wtf
this is exactly what happens when you give morons graphic editing software! No doubt made on Windows™ & posted into Facebook™
#dontbeavictim #socialisolationkills #covidiots
#wtf #DontBeAVictim #socialisolationkills #COVIDIOTS