Not sure who "we" is here - but I cut the LOTO some slack - #labour are 20% ahead in the polls and have been ahead in the polls for 15 months (in double figures for the last 6 months)
We need the #toriesOut gone and #labour is the only game in town.... get used to it and stop fantasising about some #socialistUtopia that does not exist
#Labour #ToriesOut #socialistUtopia
Not amongst the #lexiteers it weren't - in fact for many visions of a #socialistUtopia drove their vote.... at least the #farRight elite leaders of #brexit were rational i npromoting self-interest - any #leave voter on an income less than 6 figures was voting against their own interests....
#lexiteers #socialistUtopia #FarRight #brexit #leave
I can't see much reason for a surge in tory support - but I can see the danger of #shyTories - people unwilling to admit their support for the insupportable who will nevertheless vote for them if they are nervous of the alternative.
I suspect #starmer sees that danger too - there will be no grand promises to turn #brxitBritain into a #socialistUtopia
#shyTories #Starmer #brxitbritain #socialistUtopia
maybe..... but a house divided on itself will fall, and a #labour owned by those who want to push it too far left will not get elected
#wilson, #callaghan and #blair were all attacked by the #left in their time and that never ushered in a #socialistUtopia
I do not understand why those on the #farLeft do not accept that the #overtonWindow moved right because the country did, not because #labour did. You want #farRightTories, just push for #farLeftLabour
#Labour #Wilson #callaghan #Blair #left #socialistUtopia #farleft #overtonwindow #farRightTories #farLeftLabour