Praxis Arms · @praxisarms
39 followers · 106 posts · Server
Praxis Arms · @praxisarms
39 followers · 99 posts · Server
Nagaram · @Nagaram
37 followers · 223 posts · Server

I'm very excited that some of my most experienced comrades from my OG SRA experience have come back for our chapters revival.

If you know any wanting to learn or just a fan of were getting the of Kentucky back in action!

#kentucky #socialists #firearm #selfdefense #guns #socialistrifleassociation

Last updated 1 year ago

Nagaram · @Nagaram
27 followers · 193 posts · Server

@booty ideally I'm only sharing my firearms with people I trust. It's part of my larger plan to get my local back in action by having extra AR platforms for people who might not be convinced they're worth it/can't afford one and I want to be included in events.

But also if I'd rather a whole squad be strapped than just me. It'd be really cool to practice standard gear across the chapter and do squad drills. But that's getting ahead of myself

#socialistrifleassociation #shtf

Last updated 1 year ago

Praxis Arms · @praxisarms
11 followers · 36 posts · Server
Praxis Arms · @praxisarms
11 followers · 36 posts · Server

New stickers from Off Color Decals are in! HMU if you want a couple!

#leftistgunculture #socialistrifleassociation #defendequality

Last updated 1 year ago

Praxis Arms · @praxisarms
4 followers · 34 posts · Server

"That rifle on the wall of the labourer's cottage or working class flat is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there."

-George Orwell

#leftistgunculture #socialistrifleassociation

Last updated 1 year ago

Chris Merle · @clmerle
418 followers · 8596 posts · Server

How America's left is preparing for escalating violence | DW News

Itโ€™s unfortunate that vulnerable populations need to defend themselves and learn how, because we have no effective gun control laws. The NRA made sure America was awash in AR15s which pulverize tissue and bones and that fascists and theocrats have access to them.

#sra #LGBTQIA #selfdefense #guns #socialistrifleassociation #DWNews #DeutscheWelle

Last updated 1 year ago

Nagaram · @Nagaram
3 followers · 33 posts · Server
Bending Unit · @BendingUnit
76 followers · 506 posts · Server

Wow, I passed 500 toots. I see people re-introducing themselves at points, so I'll do a speed run on that. I am a:
Midwesterner. Construction worker. . . Organizer/activist. member. volunteer. Star Wars and MTG nerd. Secular humanist.

I oppose bigotry in all forms and don't debate the type of people John Brown would have shot. Interested in connecting with folks interested in averting capitalism/fascism and climate change.

#anarchocommunist #metalhead #socialistrifleassociation #foodnotbombs

Last updated 2 years ago

anarchojulismo · @anarchojulismo
1 followers · 2 posts · Server

So my wofie friend who got me on here told me my intro post should be bigger so hereโ€™s a better one. Hi Iโ€™m Julio I am a bear and Iโ€™m pansexual. I speak English and Spanish fluently. I am a nerd and a gamer and I collect ballistic artifacts. I am a big dude with a lot of love and Iโ€™m an anarcho-feminist.

#lgbtq #latine #gayming #socialistrifleassociation

Last updated 2 years ago

Nashville Anarchist · @odonion_gethen
231 followers · 421 posts · Server

and are also absolutely crucial right now. The growing threat of fascist violence cannot be underestimated.

This one will vary based on region, but many chapters are great. While not an organization that does many actions itself, it's a great way to network, and I guarantee its members are active, if not under the banner.

Other potential groups are things like the , or could be an option depending on the chapter. I don't know a ton about these individually, so I'd always encourage looking into your local area.

I'd also coordinate with your community and friends to ensure you can protect each other in emergencies. Community solidarity goes a long way.

#defense #communitydefense #socialistrifleassociation #sra #johnbrowngunclub #PinkPistols

Last updated 2 years ago

Bending Unit · @BendingUnit
56 followers · 286 posts · Server

I'm so privileged to know so many folks who would actually be there for me should a need arise, it was strange hearing the words from someone who doesn't actually care.

So friends and comrades who will see this, and those who won't, thank you so much. You mean so much to me.

#friends #comrades #socialistrifleassociation #foodnotbombs

Last updated 2 years ago

Nashville Anarchist · @odonion_gethen
147 followers · 257 posts · Server

is trying to push a bill to ban Drag Shows. The implications of such a thing are far reaching. If followed, it is worded such that it could even be used for banning pride parades.

Meanwhile Trump is talking about his 2024 election promises already and going after Trans people is top priority. The GOP want to live out their fascist wet dreams, to play dress up as jackbooted thugs, to goose-step on our rights.

Rights don't exist just because they're written on paper. They exist because infringement of them is met with violence by the people. We cannot let them gain even an inch, for when they do they'll use it to infect education and raise up a whole new generation of fascists.

The community needs to be prepared. You may not like guns but Nazis are worse. Arm yourself, get involved with a defense group like the or or even create your own if that's more comfortable for you.

#tennessee #queer #socialistrifleassociation #johnbrowngunclub #guns #communitydefense #armtranspeople #armqueers #DragShows #sra #JBGC #lgbtq

Last updated 2 years ago

Nashville Anarchist · @odonion_gethen
80 followers · 174 posts · Server

Whenever I surprise a liberal with my support for , they typically jump to a few tired arguments. They assume I fantasize about killing an intruder, fighting tanks, or dying to a swat team.

My favorite response is to explain to them. Not home defense, not guerilla warfare, that's what they expect.

But the best utility for gun ownership is the defense of your community. We're seeing this now with all the defense. The number one deterrent and protection from armed fascists marching in your streets is if those fascists know they aren't the only ones with a weapon. You don't need to be in an organized militia; sheer prevalence can be enough.

It's about a balancing of the perceived and actual power between groups. It's the same way governments are much less likely to genocide armed communities. They know they will meet resistance.

#guns #communitydefense #dragbrunch #defense #left #anarchism #socialism #socialistrifleassociation #sra #johnbrowngunclub #JBGC

Last updated 2 years ago

Nashville Anarchist · @odonion_gethen
32 followers · 79 posts · Server

The domination of right-wing gun ranges is a problem in America. Not only does it keep many prospective leftist gun owners at bay, but it represents a huge potential for networking and resources. If right-wing insurrections become a problem, they'll likely be supported by some of these locations.

We need to encourage a left wing gun culture, and gun ranges and shops are a hugely important aspect of that.

#guns #gunrange #leftistgunculture #sra #socialistrifleassociation #johnbrowngunclub #anarchism #socialism

Last updated 2 years ago

Primit1v3 :debian: :tor: · @primit1v3
43 followers · 99 posts · Server