, Evening Edition:
Happy Socialist Sunday, my friends. I will follow back all like-minded Socialists and other folks who believe in principle noted in the attached Eugene Debs meme. Nighty night, my darlings. 😘 💚 😴

#socialistsarespicy #socialistsaresexy #socialistsarehot #socialistsarecool #compassion #eugenedebs #humanism #socialists #socialism #Humanity #socialist #socialistsunday

Last updated 2 years ago

, PM Edition:
Happy Socialist Sunday, my friends. Today, I will follow back all like-minded Socialists and others who believe in all principles noted in the attached Eugene Debs meme. So, my darlings, let's get this party started. 😘

#socialistsarespicy #socialistsaresexy #socialistsarehot #socialistsarecool #compassion #eugenedebs #humanism #socialists #socialism #Humanity #socialist #socialistsunday

Last updated 2 years ago

, Noon Edition:
Happy , my friends. Today, I will follow back all like-minded Socialists and others who believe in principles noted in attached Eugene Debs meme. So, my darlings, let's get this party started. 😘

#socialistsarespicy #socialistsaresexy #socialistsarehot #socialistsarecool #PeaceNotWar #peaceonearth #nomorewar #eugenedebs #Capitalism #socialists #socialism #Peace #socialist #socialistsunday

Last updated 2 years ago

Happy , my friends. Today, I will follow back all like-minded , and others who also believe in principles as noted in the attached . meme. So, come on, my lovely darlings, and let's get this party started. 😘

#socialistsarespicy #socialistsaresexy #socialistsarehot #socialistsarecool #eugenedebs #socialist #socialists #socialistsunday

Last updated 2 years ago

Happy , my sexy darlings. 💚 😘 Let's follow each other today, okay?

Together, we can make the world a better place for all.

#socialistsarespicy #socialistsaresexy #socialistsarehot #socialistsarecool #socialistsunday

Last updated 2 years ago

, PM Edition:
My Lovely, Sexy, Darlings
Let's Follow Each Other if you believe all Americans deserve Top-Notch High-Quality Healthcare. 😘

And, with that said, I wish you all Sweet Dreams. 😴

#universalhealthcare #medicareforall #medicare4all #socialistsarespicy #socialistaresexy #socialistsarehot #socialistsarecool #socialistsunday

Last updated 2 years ago

, PM Edition:
My Lovely, Sexy, Darlings
Let's Follow Each Other if you believe all Americans deserve Top-Notch High-Quality Healthcare. 😘

And, with that said, I wish you all Sweet Dreams. 😴

#socialistsarespicy #socialistaresexy #socialistsarehot #socialistsarecool #socialistsunday

Last updated 2 years ago

Latest Edition
Will follow all (and others who agree with items in my bio) who follow me today. 😘

#socialistsarespicy #socialistsaresexy #socialistsarehot #socialistsarecool #socialists #socialistsunday

Last updated 2 years ago