Who could have known that without a frigging and manipulating algorithm all it's needed is to be a decent human being to connect with other people :drac_heart:
Can we please stop making jokes about having strokes? It's not funny at all.
My mother had a hemorrhagic stroke at the end of 2016 and it's a miracle she survived.
It's not a joke.
#StrokeAwareness #Stroke #ContentCreator #ContentCreators #Influencer #SocialMedia #SocialMedia101
#strokeawareness #stroke #contentcreator #contentcreators #influencer #socialmedia #socialmedia101
If you don’t agree with me, you’re one of Them. And They are bad. So you’re bad.
Wenn ihr keinen Content produzieren und trotzdem Follower haben wollt, folgt einfach sehr vielen und interagiert mit denen per Drunterkommentar. Funktioniert besser als nach Followern zu fragen. #socialmedia101