Instagram Might Finally Be About to Free the Nipple. What Took So Long?
“When thinking about nipple censorship on social media today, it’s worth getting to the bare bones of the matter: There is simply no way of knowing one’s gender based on what their body looks like. And, even if that were possible, or even remotely ethical to police (it’s not), there is no reason that a woman’s breast ought to be inherently offensive.”
#topfreedom #instagram #socialmediacensorship
Is the nipple finally free? Not if censorship of Sara is any guide
‘Sara Oscar was informed by Instagram a photo of her as a child did not meet the social network company’s community standards. Oscar contested the decision, and meanwhile “redacted my own nipples” by blacking them out. “Seeing a black line across my chest actually made the photograph feel more obscene,” she said.’
#topfreedom #instagram #socialmediacensorship
Who does Social Media Community Guidelines serve MORE ? People OR PROFIT ?
#ericacrooks #ericacrookscomics #ericacrookscomics2022 #satire #cartoon #cartoons #webcomic #webcomics #darkhumor #politicalsatire #politicalcartoon #politicalcartoons #netneutrality #savetheinternet #freedomofexpression #freedomofspeech #parody #parodies #censorship #internetcensorship #socialmediacensorship #darkcomedy
#ericacrooks #ericacrookscomics #ericacrookscomics2022 #satire #cartoon #cartoons #webcomic #webcomics #darkhumor #politicalsatire #politicalcartoon #politicalcartoons #netneutrality #savetheinternet #freedomofexpression #freedomofspeech #parody #parodies #censorship #internetcensorship #socialmediacensorship #darkcomedy
When satire becomes the ultimate taboo.
( Parodic homage to The Three Wise Monkeys. )
#ericacrooks #ericacrookscomics #ericacrookscomics2022 #satire #cartoon #cartoons #webcomic #webcomics #darkhumor #satirist #satirical #politicalsatire #politicalcartoon #politicalcartoons #netneutrality #savetheinternet #freedomofexpression #freedomofspeech #parody #parodies #3wisemonkeys #threewisemonkeys #thethreewisemonkeys #censorship #internetcensorship #socialmediacensorship #darkcomedy
#ericacrooks #ericacrookscomics #ericacrookscomics2022 #satire #cartoon #cartoons #webcomic #webcomics #darkhumor #satirist #satirical #politicalsatire #politicalcartoon #politicalcartoons #netneutrality #savetheinternet #freedomofexpression #freedomofspeech #parody #parodies #3wisemonkeys #threewisemonkeys #thethreewisemonkeys #censorship #internetcensorship #socialmediacensorship #darkcomedy
FTX Donations to Early Covid-19 Researchers Raise Questions of Propaganda Tied to Pandemic Prevention - While the former CEO of FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried, awaits his trial at the end of the... - #clinicalguidancecommittee #councilonforeignrelations #earlycovid-19researchers #guardingagainstpandemics #socialmediacensorship #academicdiscrediting #bidenadministration
#bidenadministration #academicdiscrediting #socialmediacensorship #guardingagainstpandemics #earlycovid #councilonforeignrelations #clinicalguidancecommittee
As Twitter moves to ban external links to other social media platforms #johnmastodon proves to be a man of the people and a supporter of small business by allowing me to post the links to my many cam site accounts where I scam horny Indian men online. #socialmediacensorship #thetruetownhall
#johnmastodon #socialmediacensorship #thetruetownhall
People should be punished but they won't be.
#2020election #socialmediacensorship #FBIscandal
People should be punished but they won't be.
#2020election #socialmediacensorship #FBIscandal
People should be punished but they won't be. #FBIscandal #socialmediacensorship #2020Election
#2020election #socialmediacensorship #FBIscandal
People should be punished but they won't be. #FBIscandal #socialmediacensorship #2020Election
#2020election #socialmediacensorship #FBIscandal
Texas wins huge victory for free speech. #socialmediacensorship #TexasWins
#TexasWins #socialmediacensorship
Texas wins huge victory for free speech. #socialmediacensorship #TexasWins
#TexasWins #socialmediacensorship
Texas wins huge victory for free speech. #socialmediacensorship #TexasWins
#TexasWins #socialmediacensorship
Texas wins huge victory for free speech. #socialmediacensorship #TexasWins
#TexasWins #socialmediacensorship
Of course, what constitutes "misinformation" and "abuse" is always highly arbitrary.
The biggest casualty was the truth.
#2016election #corporatemediacartels #socialmediacensorship
The biggest casualty was the truth.
#2016election #corporatemediacartels #socialmediacensorship
The biggest casualty was the truth. #socialmediacensorship #corporatemediacartels #2016election
#2016election #corporatemediacartels #socialmediacensorship