New annotated resource on #SocialMediaViolence:
Who would respond to A troll? A social network analysis of reactions to trolls in online communities, by Sun and Shen.
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New annotated resource on #SocialMediaViolence:
What is a flag for? Social media reporting tools and the vocabulary of complaint, by K. Crawford and T. Gillespie.
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I want to read this along Sara Ahmed's work on complaints.
New annotated resource on #SocialMediaViolence:
“#schleichdiduoaschloch” Terror, collective memory, and social media, by Tambuscio, M., & Tschiggerl, M.
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#socialmediaviolence #schleichdiduoaschloch
New annotated resource on #SocialMediaViolence:
I’ll be there for you? Effects of Islamophobic online hate speech and counter speech on Muslim in-group bystanders’ intention to intervene, by Obermaier, M., Schmuck, D., & Saleem, M.
New annotated resource on #SocialMediaViolence:
Cross-platform evaluation for Italian hate speech detection, by Corazza et al.
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New annotated resource on #SocialMediaViolence:
Online harassment in majority contexts: Examining harms and remedies across countries, by @schoenebeck and colleagues.
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I learned a lot from this piece, and I was particularly shocked by their findings on how local context is the highest factor in determining perceptions of online harm.
It is impossible to address online harm without a better understanding of its global and comparative nature 👏
New annotated resource on #SocialMediaViolence:
Stop and frisk online: Theorizing everyday racism in digital policing in the use of social media for identification of criminal conduct and associations, by Patton et al.
And a quote I loved from this one: "being on the digital street has become no different to people of color to being in the world—the same cognitive and social controls apply."
New annotated resource on #SocialMediaViolence:
Networked responses to networked harassment? Creators’ coordinated management of “hate raids” on Twitch, by Colten Meisner.
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New annotated resource on #SocialMediaViolence:
Digital hostility, subjectivity and ethics: Theorising the disruption of identity in instances of mass online abuse and hate speech, by @robcover.
New annotated resource on #SocialMediaViolence:
To troll or not to troll: Young adults’ anti-social behaviour on social media, by Soares, F. B., Gruzd, A., Jacobson, J., & Hodson, J.
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New annotated resource on #SocialMediaViolence:
Flaming? What flaming? The pitfalls and potentials of researching online hostility, by Emma Jane.
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New annotated resource on #SocialMediaViolence:
Trolling as provocation: YouTube’s agonistic publics, by @Ant_McCosker
A provocation for seeing online vitriol as a productive way of engaging with irreducible forms of difference
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New annotated resource on #SocialMediaViolence:
Why bystanders (don’t) post about violence: Contextualizing individual versus socialized rationales of observers’ publication intentions, by Bayerl, Shahid, & Moitroux.
New annotated resource on #SocialMediaViolence:
Morally motivated networked harassment as normative reinforcement, by Alice E. Marwick.
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New annotated resource on #SocialMediaViolence:
From scalability to subsidiarity in addressing online harm, by Hasinoff & Schneider.
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It is hard to imagine current large social media companies switching models of content moderation.
Instead, it would be good to see emergent platforms (such as Bluesky, or even Mastodon) rely on restorative and transformative justice models for addressing harm.
New annotated resource on #SocialMediaViolence:
Banal phenomenologies of conflict: Professional media cultures and audiences of distant suffering, by Tim Markham.
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New annotated resource on #SocialMediaViolence:
Algorithmic violence in everyday life and the role of media anthropology, by Veronica Barassi
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New annotated resource on #SocialMediaViolence:
Women scholars’ experiences with online harassment and abuse: Self-protection, resistance, acceptance, and self-blame, by Veletsianos, G., Houlden, S., Hodson, J., & Gosse, C.
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Listening to this right now.
#philippines #media #newsmedia #socialmediaviolence #psyops #CBCRadio #Rappler #informationoperation #influenceoperation #UnitedStates
#informationoperation #influenceoperation #unitedstates #philippines #media #newsmedia #socialmediaviolence #psyops #cbcradio #rappler